Recommend Me Some Speakers

I've recently purchased my first amp/preamp rig, A Rotel RC-1070 and an RB-1050. I have a small bedroom, approximately 15'x10'. I'm in the budget range of $400-600USD. My music tastes are jazz, classical piano, violin, classic rock- well, I pretty much like all music. Thanks in advance.
I'm not sure the 685 is necessarily voiced to Rotel gear, they just happen to be owned by the same company.
Focal JM Labs Chorus 707S
Focal JM Labs Cobalt 806s discomtinued, but available for $600. pr. Very good 1K speakers.
Check these out
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Take a look at Ascend Acoustics. Just search on the Web. They're dedicated to higher end sound on a budget. I owned a pair prior to moving up to better gear; and still use one for center channel in HT set-up. Definitely worth a listen ... they offer no-hassle in-home audition.