Recommend Me Some Speakers

I've recently purchased my first amp/preamp rig, A Rotel RC-1070 and an RB-1050. I have a small bedroom, approximately 15'x10'. I'm in the budget range of $400-600USD. My music tastes are jazz, classical piano, violin, classic rock- well, I pretty much like all music. Thanks in advance.
Focal JM Labs Chorus 707S
Focal JM Labs Cobalt 806s discomtinued, but available for $600. pr. Very good 1K speakers.
Check these out
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Take a look at Ascend Acoustics. Just search on the Web. They're dedicated to higher end sound on a budget. I owned a pair prior to moving up to better gear; and still use one for center channel in HT set-up. Definitely worth a listen ... they offer no-hassle in-home audition.
Magnepan MMG's. These will give you a taste of high end sound, and a healthy taste at that. They will add a degree of life and vitality often missing in box speakers - for a peanuts price.