American made Subwoofer

Does anyone know of a few subwoofers, say between 1 and 3 grand, that is made in America? I'm not looking for some company that re-badges a product made somewhere else. Only an honest to goodness American company making high-quality subwoofers for both two-channel or home theater.
Thank You
I wish to thank everyone for their response, seems like a myriad of excellent choices.

I came across this link and thought I'd throw it out there for comments. Especially for those of you that forgot more about this stuff than I know in totality. The ratings in ( ) mean this: the first number is HT, the second number is for music. So for example, a rating for the SVS Ultra is (57 HT - 52 Music) and so on.

Any thoughts?

Thank You
I don't know if you're going to find a 100% American made sub in this day and age. My Selah Audio comes pretty close. Built in NC, using an amp from Texas, but the Peerless woofer is a foreigner.
Musicman07: I suspect you are right. At least one part or another of most subs is going to be contracted out. I'd thought I'd give it a try though. I would be interested - and I'll bet others as well - in your thoughts on your Selah Whomp sub.
Two subs made in America are the Zu Mini Method and the larger Zu Method .... (Ogden Ut) anyone have an opinion on either one?