has anybody heard Martinlogan w/ MIT?

So I'm back from a job in France where I had the pleasure of auditioning some of the finest Hi fi I have ever heard. LA has a long way to go to catch up with our European cousins! One place in particular, in Paris, had a killer demo with Martin Logan's, MIT and a stack of Krell components.
Ordinarily, I am not used to such a solid image or depth of image detail like these guys were getting from the ML's...... but man... they had it in spades! So, I bought their CD and after my return, I hurried home, sat down to my Krell, Martin Logan, Audioquest system, (Magnolia's best!) and the image is as flat as a pancake suspended between two huge speakers! I have moved them away from the wall into the room a bit more, but the tonal balance is becoming very lean and the size of the image is getting bigger, but less saturated. Everything I have tried so far (Monster AC Conditioning, ASC tube traps) is failing to create a believable image into my room. Next, I am going to try some MIT Cables (MH-750 Shotguns) I bought online for $500.00, so If this doesn't do it, I'm going to go back and check this system out again. From the notes I took, the speaker cables and interconnects that the Dealer used were MIT CVT 1, Hybrid Series. Since this last go, I have searched the web and can find nothing other than what MIT says about them. It would appear that they are so new that none are available used on the web yet. Has anyone heard these Hybrid cables? Do they create an Image like I describe? I am scheduled to return there next month, so I'm working hard to get a handle on this problem before I go back; because I know that if I don't fix it now, I'll probably succumb to purchasing the exact pair in the system! Anyone else know what I'm talking about?

Karl in a snarl....
I don't think the MIT cables are the missing link. It's more likely overall room acoustics and interaction with the speakers. Which ML's are you talking about? Besides pulling the speakers out from the wall, have you played around with toe-in, and tried various absorption/diffusion treatments in your listening room? You might want to post your quandary on... www.martinloganowners.com where there is a lot more ML setup experience.
I've heard Krell and Marin Logan together and think I know the sound you are searching for, highly transparent and totally detached from the speakers in a way that kind of fills the room with sound.

Agreed most likely the room and/or its contents absorbing too much sound.

Set up a virtual system and post some pictures and I'm sure you'll get some good feedback from the knowledgeable folks on this site.

Your speakers are both connected to the amp properly and in phase, right?

Toe-in also worth playing with.

Cable tweaks don't sound likely to achieve what you're looking for.
"I am not used to such a solid image or depth of image detail like these guys were getting from the ML's."

That's exactly what MIT cables will do.
Are paragraphs an endangered species? This is about the 10th thread lately that's unreadable without structure.

Why is this so difficult?