Best amps for Totem hawks?? please help

Can someone recommend a good Integrated amp with these speakers...I am having trouble driving them.I Prefer a European amp if possible as I know some will tell me to go buy a Krell or Bryston. I hate those amps. too dynamic and stale.

Please advise.

It looks like you're going in circles here. Time to find a good deal and take a chance! Garnering opinions from a group of audiophiles will just have you endlessly chasing your tail.

That said, I'd like to share some of mine on the gear you just listed. hah!

I owned the MA6300 integrate for awhile. It's a good piece and actually matches very well with Totem products, to include the Hawk. The MA6300 is a solid all-around piece. It's powerful,sounds polar opposite of Bryston,and is built to last longer than anything out there. However, is it the best thing money can buy at 4k? The short answer is no. At its price-point, including MSRP and used, you can do better for the dinero in terms of raw sonic performance. This isn't to say its a bad piece, its just an affordable way to step into the McIntosh culture.

As for Rogue and Jolida.. eh.. it's not in my nature to throw brands under the bus. After all, both Rogue and Jolida make a fine product and subsequently have a loyal following. However... I will say that provided you can live with 35wpc, the Vista Audio piece I mentioned above makes very quick work of them in terms of raw performance.

Anyways, enough of this. Pick something and go for it and after you've tried a few situations out - let us know how things went!
Thanks to all I will let you know what I decide. I have narrowed things down considerably. As the last person mentioned Price at some point is an issue.

Unfortunately for many, bad economic times can lead to significant opportunities for a few. Keep your eyes on the Agon listings - there have been a lot of good integrated amps for sale there lately at reasonable prices. Perhaps one on your short list will pop up soon.
I've been driving my Hawks with the Musical Fidelity A3.2cr amp and have been very happy with it. It's not the 5.5 integrated, but it's good a good amount of power. I wanted a hybrid system, so I have a TAD-150 tube pre-amp leading to the MF. Feels very neutral, not too bright. Good luck!