Coldplay on Quad 988

I am a few months into a pair of Quad 988. When the music is right they sound excellent. Vocal best I have heard. I have recently acquired the last three Coldplay CDs and all of them sound bad except when there is only vocal on the recording. Again with vocal they are excellent.
The music part of Coldplay is heavy distorted and in my mind very unattractive. What is going on?
yep..Holds true to most current radio type bands/music.They call it appealing to the masses I believe.With my system maybe 90% if not more of my cd collection is now not worth playing..Thats what happens when you move up the chain in higher end audio gear these days..Bad recordings sound even worse
You're hearing the compression that the record labels demand. Makes it louder for radio play. Doesn't work out well with high resolution stereo.

Might want to find a better band anyway, though. ( : Not sure why coldplay is so popular...
I for one enjoy listening to coldplay on my system. I like the electronic noise, as it is only used on some tracks...There are some really great tracks in their early stuff that don't really have any of the problems that seem to make you guys upset...
I have a couple of their CD's also. Lets put it this way, most of my other CD's sound better. They are not terrible but should have been recorded better.
Viva La Vida (CD) is not th e stuff that audiophiles drool over, which is too bad, because it could be.

I recall "Parachutes" being better overall but would have to give another listen.