Coldplay on Quad 988

I am a few months into a pair of Quad 988. When the music is right they sound excellent. Vocal best I have heard. I have recently acquired the last three Coldplay CDs and all of them sound bad except when there is only vocal on the recording. Again with vocal they are excellent.
The music part of Coldplay is heavy distorted and in my mind very unattractive. What is going on?

I think a forgiving speaker is more appropriate, such as Aerial 10Ts.

So you are recommending that he change speakers because his Coldplay discs sound bad? Great advice.
"So you are recommending that he change speakers because his Coldplay discs sound bad? Great advice."

I think he's just saying that a more forgiving speaker will make the coldplay recording quality more palatable...
IMO..I would never want or buy any gear that mask the quality (or lack of) in a recording..Makes no sense if you think about it..
A recording is what it is. I vote to let it all shine through, for better or for worse.

A remaster might help or not. You would think not in this case since this is a modern recording of a high profile top selling band and that there is no reason to get it wrong in the first place. The sound is probably just what the producers wanted it to be and not geared towards the piddling audiophile market.