Avalon Pricing Policy?

Recently auditioned some new Avalon Ascendants and Indras and was impressed enough to consider seriously consider purchasing. However, the authorized dealer told me that it was Avalon pricing policy to only sell at MSRP. Is this the experience of others? Having previously worked in high end retail I am not one to pay MSRP so I walked. Too bad. The dealer missed a cash sale and I am still without speakers.
Provide the opportunity for a dealer gesture that at least sticks to the letter of the manufacturer request. For example, ask whether the dealer has an "open box" pair, customer return or demo pair. Or buy something else as the same time an a VERY high discount.

I try to avoid buying on the net new or used when I've used a local dealers time on a product. I just keep them separate, in order to not waste a dealers time.

And I try to find out up front whether the dealer is permitted to discount a prroduct either explicitly or implicitly.

This is the best way I've come up with to handle a somewhat difficult issue; I'm open to alternative suggestions.

I have always felt that the best approach for a dealer would be to offer free local gatherings & demonstrations, large ones, nearly daily. Develop a steady stream of music lovers that habitually visit your shop at least weekly. Eventually some percentage will surcumb to "I want it now" and also begin to appreciate the value of working with a dealer. Let 95% of them buy on the internet; all you need is that 5% that want to buy local.

I've yet to see any dealer adopt this approach though.

Art, your high moral standard is surely admirable. But we are talking about a business transaction here. Business transaction is all about negotiation, particularly when high-priced goods is involved. To me, unless I am buying rarity, a seller who refuses to negotiate is sending me a signal that he doesn't want my business. In this case, there is nothing wrong buying from web. The situation is created by the dealer, not by the customer. No one is using the dealer here.

I have bought many equipment new from local dealers and I have yet run into one who won't give any discount. I am not talking about deep discount here but a dealer should have no problem giving 5 -10% off list price to make a sale.

I don't know what Avalon's policy is. If they indeed revokes dealership because someone gives a 5 -10% discount, I don't think they will have too many dealers selling their products.
Well, it's great that you are offering the dealer the business. That gives them the opportunity to be creative within whatever rules they either need or like to follow.

Unless the buyer is making out the check or payment to the maker of the goods instead of the dealer him/herself, dealers do have some latitude with the sales price!

Apart from that of making a poor deal for themselves of course.
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