How many use Vintage Hi-Fi systems?

I was wondering, how many here use a Vintage Hi-Fi as their main stereo? Please give details as to your equipment. I use Citation 17 preamp, Citation 16A amplifier, Sony TC-755 reel to reel, Dual 1229 (with Grace 747 tonearm), Nakamichi OMS4 CD player Advent 201A cassette and Definitive Technologies BP10 speakers. I have many audiophile friends who trade up constantly. I bought a system that I enjoy and have kept it. Oh, and I still love it! Friends are floored by how musical it is. Your thoughts please.
Norman,my Harmon Kardon is HK580i 45 watts per channel early 80's vintage.I barely remember searching for info on it when I bought it but found one for sale and the owner of the store said it was the best bargain in audio for his asking price of I something like a $100. or so.I remember hooking it up to my main system and would have to agree.
 The Rotel is a RX 304.It's like as new as you just bought it,all original packing,plastic,FM antenna,manual.
 I checked my P+E,motor says "made in germany".I doubt if it is Dual.I use it on my main system to play less than stellar sounding LP's.A pre Dual P+E sounds far better than any of my Duals.
 It's funny after responding to your post I said to my brother I'd like to have my first stereo receiver back as he still has his,an Eico.He found my same unit I bought in the 60's on ebay only 10 miles from me.I raced down and bought it.Beautiful cosmetic condition.Terrible awful sound but  I wanted it if only to look at.I still have my Dual 1019 from the 60's I bought new.Now I want my old KHL 17's back.
Love the story about your "eico".  I remember those being pretty nice actually. I think I'm remembering an old eico tube receiver that my cousin had and it was good.  He was driving Epi 202's with it.

Get the old girl serviced. You might be surprised. 

I still have my original first hi-fi.  It actually sounds pretty good. I could never sell it. Too many good memories and its a great bedroom system.

Back in November a neighbor gave me a pristine Dual 1019. I haven't done anything with it. I was thinking of setting it up as a mono table to play some of my 10" blue notes with. I need to tear it apart and give it a proper servicing first and see what it sounds like. I got a kick out of seeing the "16" speed on it.  I've never seen a 16 speed record..

Isn't this the greatest hobby of all time?  I hope you find your KLH 17's.  Sometimes memory lane is a blast. 


The AU2000 is an incredible piece. Great amp section and a fantastic pre-amp.  I love the phono section with built in varible loads..  Defintely a keeper..