I just was curious about something

I had run a thread saying that I didn't think that someone needed a high-end system to play rap or hip hop. I thought that kind of music would sound better on a low-fi to mid-fi system. People were saying I was racist because of these comments but what I said had nothing to do with racism. To me it was just common sense. Obviously hip hop and rap are huge Industry's and like I have said before they Not only Influence music but also movies and lifestyle. 

If high-end manufacturers thought that the people into rap or hip-hop were Interested in listening to their music on high-end gear they would market a line of gear for them. After all these high-end companies have been losing market share for years and are Interested in looking for new market share which is evidenced by the World of Mcintosh display showroom in N.Y.C.
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" No-one forces you to respond in any way, you don't like it - close your mouths and keep it that way."

that is the problem with society these days....if somebody else has an opinion and if differs from somebody else, they get all offended and say keep your opinions to yourself.        What a bunch of  BS.   

So if somebody says something to you in public and you dont agree with it, you are just going to sit there and not saying anything ?       yeah, ok....
Tatertot your question is predicated on the assumption that those who listen to rap and hip hop are only listening to those genres. Most of the people that I know who are into hip hop and rap are also into many other types of music. Based on your flawed logic we have to exclude a lot of other genres of music that are just not fit for highend audio but are cherished by many audiophiles. Questlove the drummer for The Roots owns one of the largest vinyl collections on the planet (77,000) do you think its all rap and hip hop? I would also argue that his knowledge of music especially jazz is greater than most so called audiohiles. Another example is punk legend Henry Rollins who has a very highend system. Do you tink he just listens to punk music at ear bleeding levels? I thought the point of highend audio was about listening to the music you love in the best possible way. Am I missing something? 

Sad. This is a shame. This is today's Internet. I guess listening to all of my low class hip hop has kept me from acting like this. Thank God! Hip hop producer j Dilla had a basement floor of more than 10,000 vinyl albums when he died. Whodini the hip hop group was one of 5 acts along with 4 Rock bands were the first to use a New Dolby recording studio. This studio had at the time the best sound quality in the world in the the early 1980's. Lack of facts and general blanket statements are the norm.  Now I'm going back to listen to the "Roots" song "What They Do". It's talks about not doing what everybody else does.   Who are "They". Regular group think. Lol. Lot of that happens on these created threads.  Lol.