Mogami Speaker cable question

Hello all,

One of the guy that I highly respected in Hi end audio suggested Mogami for a budget speaker cable but they have so many different type by number. Wondering if any of you are using them and what is the best one in Mogami?

maplegrovemusic, your recommendation of Canare is sold at (as one example) 11GA 4S11 Star Quad Speaker Cable Spade to Spade 15 FT With finished banana or spade ends are like 66USD, can’t be beat.
I just replaced my 15ga. Atlas spk. wire w/Mogami 2921, which is a "star-quad" cable. The 2921 sells for $4.95 a ft. and the 3104 sells for $5.25 a ft. The better value is the Star-Quad 3104, IMO, but I felt the 2921 was the right cable for my needs. The 3103 @ under $3 a ft. is the best value IMO. The 2921 (and all the other types of Mogami spk. cables I presume) have a very durable/thick outer jacket. The "Neglex" wire is very finely stranded OFC copper. Very high quality wire. So far I'm very pleased w/the 2921 connected (bare-wire) to Dynaudio Dm 2/6 spks. driven by a newly acquired Arcam Alpha 10 Int. amp (Deltron BFA plugs used @ amp end). The Mogami added bass weight and warmth compared to the wire I was previously using. The Mogami's are still breaking/setting in. The soundstage is very good and the midrange is excellent. I believe the upper treble is slightly recessed (very well could be the use of the Deltron BFA's.) I have no regrets buying the 2921, only wish the price was a little lower. But still......very affordable. The Canare 4S11 does seem like a steal just don't have first hand knowledge how it compares w/the Mogami.  
Thank you so much everyone for your info.  I will order very shortly.  No problem r_f_sayles.
The canare is so inexpensive I would try it 1st and compare anything else I might try to it. Not withstanding the offer by maplegrovemusic which was very generous.