Mogami Speaker cable question

Hello all,

One of the guy that I highly respected in Hi end audio suggested Mogami for a budget speaker cable but they have so many different type by number. Wondering if any of you are using them and what is the best one in Mogami?

I just replaced my 15ga. Atlas spk. wire w/Mogami 2921, which is a "star-quad" cable. The 2921 sells for $4.95 a ft. and the 3104 sells for $5.25 a ft. The better value is the Star-Quad 3104, IMO, but I felt the 2921 was the right cable for my needs. The 3103 @ under $3 a ft. is the best value IMO. The 2921 (and all the other types of Mogami spk. cables I presume) have a very durable/thick outer jacket. The "Neglex" wire is very finely stranded OFC copper. Very high quality wire. So far I'm very pleased w/the 2921 connected (bare-wire) to Dynaudio Dm 2/6 spks. driven by a newly acquired Arcam Alpha 10 Int. amp (Deltron BFA plugs used @ amp end). The Mogami added bass weight and warmth compared to the wire I was previously using. The Mogami's are still breaking/setting in. The soundstage is very good and the midrange is excellent. I believe the upper treble is slightly recessed (very well could be the use of the Deltron BFA's.) I have no regrets buying the 2921, only wish the price was a little lower. But still......very affordable. The Canare 4S11 does seem like a steal just don't have first hand knowledge how it compares w/the Mogami.  
Thank you so much everyone for your info.  I will order very shortly.  No problem r_f_sayles.
The canare is so inexpensive I would try it 1st and compare anything else I might try to it. Not withstanding the offer by maplegrovemusic which was very generous.

I have been using for years the MOGAMI neglex 2497 wich is a coax 2 conductors cable.
I am pretty happy with it . I find it quite neutral.
i could say that it give the music a sort of live perseption, with dynamic.
I use it for modulation interconnection  and speakers cables even in the low frequency.
It seems to me an excellent value for money performance.