Closed back headphone recommendation

Hello all.

I've got a quandary, and I could use some advice.

Got a very high end, very revealing system ended by headphones right now. Got AKG 701, Sennheiser HD650 w/ Cardas Cable, AKG 702 w/ Cardas cable, and Stax SR007Tll amp feeding either SR Omega cans or SR007 cans.

Most of the time, my wife watches her TV shows in one room, and I set up the Stax combo via a couple of extension cords in another room so as to not interfere with her, and all is good. However, lately we have ended up in the same room a few nights of the week, and the sound leaking out the back of my cans does not make her happy. And, as we all know, if she's not happy, no one is.

So, I need a world class set of closed back cans.

As we all know, you can learn only so much by reading, and while I have done a lot of it, the experiences of members here is of far more importance, and highly coveted.

So, help please. I've read a bit about most of the best closed back cans. But, before I make a decision, as I will be buying w/ no audition, please, those of who who use closed back phones, please advise as to your opinions as to how I should look to purchase.

I am especially interested in those of you who have had the opportunity to compare world class closed back phones w/ world class open back phones.

While I don't really expect the closed back versions to equal the open back cans, very, very close is good enough.

As always, thanks in advance,

Crazy Bill The Eel Killer
AKG K240 partially closed. Might be tolerable. Make sure to purchase 600 Ohm version, not aftermarket 55 Ohm re-make.

Considering your sophisticated taste in headphones, the choice for me would be obvious- Audeze LCD-XC (closed-back version of LCD-X).
I auditioned a bunch of higher end closed backed phones and ended up happy using the PSB M4U1. A real bargain for the price, plus very comfortable during long sessions. (Not so with the NADs also designed by Paul Barton.
 The Oppo 3 came out later, or that might have been bought without audition based on high level of confidence in Oppo and auditions of their open back models. No experience w/the LCD--XC. Cheers,
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