Speaker Cable trial

Anyone out there know of Clear Day cables....silver.
I've been using Clear Day Double Shot Gun Bi-wire for the last 5 years and never consider to replace them.
Yeesh, Stringreen, no offense, but I'm a bit surprised at your inquiry given all the server space taken up with wire discussions and the fact that Clear Day gets mentioned regularly.  On the other hand, you're a veteran around these parts so I assume you've done a search of A'gon discussions and are looking for something more current than what you found.

FWIW - I've run Clear Day double shotgun speaker cables and liked them quite a lot.  Forget what I was running prior to them (probably Opera Joplins)  but I remember being VERY impressed with the heft and detail the Clear Day cable brought to the presentation from tube gear (Cyber 800SE 6CA7s) w/Forest speakers.  It was like the music put on 20 pounds...of muscle not fat.  I don't mean to imply things got "slow".  Rather, the presentation became a lot more fleshed out and "present".  I was apprehensive about the dreaded shrill brightness that supposedly afflicts silver wire but I did not encounter that.  

Ultimately longer lengths were needed for use with a solid state integrated (Hegel H-200).  Compared to the Cybers, things tended to sound more rolled off in the treble with this amp driving the Forests.  I picked up some Morrow Audio SP-4 wire.  This is what I currently use with both tube amp and solid state.  I think the Morrow wire is just a bit more resolving than the Clear Day...but it is subtle.  I have kept the Clear Day cables and should really put them back in the system to try with the Silverline speakers I'm now running.  Paul is a great guy to do business with.  He'll definitely work with you and does offer in-home trials.  I think you've long been fond of Anti-cable (might be mistaken about that) if true, I'm betting you will enjoy a switch to Clear Day wire.  Good luck.
I’m currently comparing Clear Day Silver Shotgun (which I've had for several years) with Acoustic Zen Satori (which arrived earlier this week).. The latter are breaking in, but preliminary indications are that they are better, but not by much. Their soundstage is a bit wider and they inflect a bit more of a presence; still, their cost (even with Mr. Lee’s discount) is much more than the Clear Days. They mate well with my AZ Adagios, so I’ll most likely keep them in that set-up, but Clear Days are hard to beat for what you pay. Plus, Paul will let you audition what you want, and that’s the best gauge of what they sound like.