cartridge headshell screws.

I cannot believe how much of a difference cartridge headshell screws affect the sound.  I am currently using a Benz glider that was recently retipped.  I was using a set of screws the retipper sent, then tried the VPI screws.  Something did not sound right.  Then I installed the original Benz screws and I'll be darned, amazing difference.  They made all the difference.  Incredible.  Anyone else experience this?
tzh21y - 
Ignoring the possibility that alignment geometry changed when switching screw sets, seems to me another potential variable contributing to the difference in sound you report might be the amount of torque used to tighten each screw.  Was that the same for all sets?  Also, I'm assuming you reset tracking force as necessary after installing each set?  By the way, are you comparing 3 sets of screws (i.e., retipper's screws were different than the original Benz screws) or just 2?  Interesting observation but not sure what to do with it.  Detail on the changes you heard would be helpful....although I, personally, can't see myself switching out mounting hardware to "optimize" the sound from my TT.  

Lots of variables with mounting hardware. Weight will be one. Aluminum will be much lighter than stainless or brass for example so you can have minor changes in effective mass that might improve or degrade things. 

Magnetic vs. non-magnetic hardware would be potential issue with moving coils also-never a good idea to crank magnetic hardware right up against a moving coil cartridge. That could easily affect sound quality as well.