Help with Cable selection

Hello All - 

This is my first post on Agon.... and I have a question for the group and would love some feedback.

I have have recently upgraded my system with - PrimaLuna Dialgue HP, VPI Prime with Dynavector 20x2L, and a pair of Sonus Faber Olympica III's. The question current inner connects are cheap AudioQuest Big Sur's and speaker caber is Kimber cable 8TC. What would be a recommendation in which I would hear an appreciaable difference with for both inner connects and speaker wire without breaking the bank!

Thanks in advance for any insight and guidance.



aseaman007 ...not wrong, just not as good.  The best biwiring is done with 2 seperate cables on each side ...both attached to the amp, and then 2 pair on each of the speaker connections for each channel.  Cables with 1 termination for the amp, and 2 for the speaker...or...jumpers....not nearly as good.
APOLLO SERIES: It’s 2016, and TARA Labs is very excited at presenting an introduction to our newest line of entry level high-end audio cables. In mythology, Apollo was one of the twelve mythological deity gods that were worshipped by the ancient Greeks and Romans. Apollo was the god of music, poetry, healing and light amongst other virtues he was endowed with. TARA Labs has taken that inspiration from this mythology as well as what Apollo represented, and named our new line of audio cables for those very qualities that made him a god to the ancients.
Apollo Series cables will represent a new era in entry level products for TARA Labs.
We developed this brand new concept for the Apollo, keeping in mind the relationship they will have with their counterpart components. In electronics, we sometimes refer to trickle-down technology. At TARA Labs, we make full use of this term by incorporating numerous technological advances and designs from our higher-end reference cables into the Apollo Series audio cables. Compared to the TL series, Apollo cables have a more coherent construction and design which translate to a substantial enhancement of soundstage, high frequency extension, spatial cues, improved noise floor, as well as enhanced musicality.
The Apollo speaker cables construction now includes our proprietary BSM termination (Banana/Spade modules). So instead of soldered on spades or bananas, you can now switch the termination at will with little effort on your part. This bodes well with the numerous components that require either or both terminations. The Apollo interconnects are also available with either RCA or XLR termination. In addition, the Apollo Series cables will offer an audiophile a musical experience that is easily comparable to cables costing many times more their price! We would venture to say “Get a $1000.00 upgrade to your audio system for around $200.00”
The Apollo Series cables will be replacing our current line of entry level cables, The TL Series.
Just swapped out some Anti Cable level 3 reference speaker cable with the Shunyata Research Black Mamba. Like them both very much but prefer the Shunyata: more detail, larger and deeper soundstage, richer sounding IMHO. Will continue to use the Anti Cable jumpers in system one along with the BM, and will use the AC speaker wire in system 2, both great products. 
Hambon, I have the PL HP also.
"What’s best" is VERY SUBJECTIVE. Instead of a brand, I would also look into the Cable Company and or a dealer with demo stuff to loan.

With my system, I went all Nordost. Pricey new, I went used while making sure it’s the latest version. I have HeimdalL/Frey for all plumbing starting from a PS Audio PP. At retail, this stuff costs as much as the gear! No way I would use them at retail. Very clean,clear and dynamic at both ends of the spectrum. Many report not so positive results with the same cable, so demo is suggested before opening your wallet .

You have a great setup.what are you plugging the table into?

thanks for the feedback. I am demoing some kimber cable IC's right now from the cable company... Probably going to try some others as I wasn't overwhelmed. 

I may may look at some synergistic research IC's.