Harbeth P3ESR or Monitor 30?

I’m leaning strongly towards a (used) Harbeth upgrade, and was focussed on the P3ESR until I noticed a pair of Monitor 30s available for around the same price.

My room is far from ideal. Hard floors, about 15'x18', with a further, narrower extension on one side of the longer dimension, and a small window bay on the other. The speakers are set up on one side of the 15' space, and I sit on the other.

I have done some searching and read a few opinions, but if anyone has experience with both, or any thoughtful opinion, I’d welcome your thoughts.


Tony - It has been my experience that the bass response of the Harbeth P3esr speakers, if new, will get better with time.  I have also found that the bass can further improve with proper set-up and a well-matched amplifier. Depending on the set-up, I’ve heard the P3 bass sound modest or powerful, and presentation sound detailed and forward or rounded and mid-hall. The P3’s always sound good but can be stellar with some added “effort” and expense.    

Proper stands and placement are essential. The tweeter should be at ear level, which is usually 26 -27” in height. Adding filling material to the stands will change the character of the sound.   Lead shot will sound clearer, more open and bright, while the opposite with kitty litter. The more material added the more noticeable the change.  I use both, with lead shot in the bottom.   Bass response and overall sound quality improved further when I switched from Blu Tack to Herbie’s Audio Lab’s Big Fat Square Dots between the speakers and stands.   I was skeptical but these things really work!  As for speaker placement, each room is different so trial and error is important. My P3’s are about 4’ from the wall in 13’ x 19’ dedicated listening room.  And the bass is stunning for such a small speaker. Tried a sub, but without was best.

You didn’t mention the amplifier used but that too makes a difference.  As you probably know, Harbeth speakers are easy to drive and sound quite good with most suitably powered amplifiers. This would include certain British solid state integrated amplifiers. I have used the P3 speakers with Naim Nait XS2 and SuperNait2 integrated units. The SN2 added some needed warmth and bass response but I still wasn’t satisfied.   I recently tried three other high quality integrated amplifiers, two solid state and one tube. The clear winner was the LFD Zero Mark IV, which had much better bass and PRAT than any other amplifier I have tried. The LFD also had a more natural, mid-hall presentation that sounds as close to real as I’ve ever heard in a stereo system.   The LFD/Harbeth combination is truly extraordinary.   The lack of remote was initially a turnoff, but I use a Logitech WiFi remote to control my source and it works great.




Hi Kendrick,

Thanks for your thoughtful reply.

There were demos, so they should already be broken in.

I am powering them with a re-capped, vintage Accuphase E-303 amp, which is both high-quality and plenty powerful. I will, in the coming months, be importing my main amp, which is currently in storage in the U.S. That will make a difference, as it is a Jeff Rowland Concentra, and is outstanding.

I am using open architecture stands, which seems to be the preference of most P3 owners. They are not heavy, though, and it would be interesting to hear the difference between them and a more substantial design.

My listening space is currently quite limited, and in some ways, the P3s work very well in it. Their openness is a big plus, and they even sound pretty good when I sit almost between them at a desk while on my computer.

They are limited in termms of how far from the back walls they can be placed, as my (high-quality) speaker cables only extend 6ft.

In any event, your response does suggest that I should do plenty of tinkering before arriving at any final conclusions, and that is both encouraging and logical. So, thanks again!

Tony C.

Tony -  Glad to share a few thoughts.  Both of your amplifiers are certainly high quality products, so the "issue" may be more about synergy than anything else.   I glanced at a few reviews of the impressive Rowland Concentra, which seems to be highly regarded and have presentation qualities that are well suited to Harbeth.  It would be interesting to hear your thoughts on the combination at a later date. 

So open stands are fine... but so much for my suggestion about filing material!  The pads from Herbie's Audio Labs might be worth trying. They are  only about $80 and easily returned for full credit.  My guess is that heavy stands benefit more from the pads because they are higher in mass and more likely to ring, but you never know until trying.  


Thanks Bruce.

I have used Herbie's products in the past, and am using something similar at the moment. I doubt that a change in that are would confer any big changes.

I'll update when I have further thoughts.

Tony C.
Perhaps the lack of bass could be attributed to a 4" driver in a sealed shoe box sized cabinet?