Harbeth P3ESR or Monitor 30?

I’m leaning strongly towards a (used) Harbeth upgrade, and was focussed on the P3ESR until I noticed a pair of Monitor 30s available for around the same price.

My room is far from ideal. Hard floors, about 15'x18', with a further, narrower extension on one side of the longer dimension, and a small window bay on the other. The speakers are set up on one side of the 15' space, and I sit on the other.

I have done some searching and read a few opinions, but if anyone has experience with both, or any thoughtful opinion, I’d welcome your thoughts.


Tony -  Glad to share a few thoughts.  Both of your amplifiers are certainly high quality products, so the "issue" may be more about synergy than anything else.   I glanced at a few reviews of the impressive Rowland Concentra, which seems to be highly regarded and have presentation qualities that are well suited to Harbeth.  It would be interesting to hear your thoughts on the combination at a later date. 

So open stands are fine... but so much for my suggestion about filing material!  The pads from Herbie's Audio Labs might be worth trying. They are  only about $80 and easily returned for full credit.  My guess is that heavy stands benefit more from the pads because they are higher in mass and more likely to ring, but you never know until trying.  


Thanks Bruce.

I have used Herbie's products in the past, and am using something similar at the moment. I doubt that a change in that are would confer any big changes.

I'll update when I have further thoughts.

Tony C.
Perhaps the lack of bass could be attributed to a 4" driver in a sealed shoe box sized cabinet?
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