Standmount speakers 4k-8k

On the lookout for standmount/bookshelf in the 4k-8k range. I've now got Monitor Audio GX-50 which are great for the price but I'm looking higher now. 
So far I've heard Aerial 5t, Totem Element Fire and Kef Reference one. The Kef's offer a huge sound, but are, hard to describe it, a bit grainy in tone. The Totem are sweeter, but a little dead sounding. The 5t were really quite good--fast, clear, lively. None of them had noticeably better bass than what I'm using now! so I'm still in the hunt. 
Very interested to know if anyone has heard the new Monitor Platinum II line, particularly the 100s, which are what I'm interested in. 
I'll be listening to some Focals soon, and Dynaudio. 
Any other tips? I need to get something fairly small, and very conventional looking (that's why not listening to BW D3). 

Thanks folks. 
You are correct in that there are numerous excellent mini monitors and it's difficult to actually listen to them prior to purchase. For instance the Boenicke W 5 SE I recommend may be a relatively rare bird  (small European company) but it has excellent reviews, show reports and word of mouth reputation. It is considered to be a world class small speaker that is affordable. 
Good luck, 
Yeah, I usually don't post in the speaker section because there are a million different opinions and a ton of manufacturers.  Speakers are really a very personal taste thing and it can become hard when you have 10 opinions on the "best speaker", lol.
Agree with you,  when a thread solicits opinion/recommendations the list can grow long in a hurry.  There's a lot of really fine speaker  choices available yet it's impractical to compare and listen to more than a chosen few in reality. With high quality  mini monitors the worthy contenders could easily number 10 to 15.
I had the WB Arcs which were great. Replaced the with Vivid V1.5 about 5 years ago and they are tremendous. No stand needed either.  Detailed but coherent. Easy to work into a room like the Arcs.