VPI Scout 2 vs. Luxman PD 441

I'm on the fence about just selling my Luxman PD 441 table as I need to upgrade the tonearm from a Denon DA-307 and that seems to be a $1,000+ proposition.
I would replace it with something from VPI and keep my Grado The Reference high output cartridge.  Maybe a Scout 2 with JMW 9 arm?
My question is whether it is worth it for me to upgrade to a better arm for the Luxman or just ditch the whole thing and get a VPI?
Can I even get any $ for the Luxman to soften the blow?
Thanks for any advice.

" Maybe a Scout 2 with JMW 9 arm?"

That's what I have. I wouldn't hesitate to buy it again. I've never compared it to your current TT, so I really can't say anything definite on that. That said, my guess is that it would be a very nice improvement from what you now have. Also, VPI usually offers a nice selection of upgrades so you're not forced to get a new TT if you want to improve things in the future.
For those of you suggesting I keep the Luxman, do I need to spend in the $1,000 range for a better tonearm than the Denon?  A past suggestion has been a Fidelity Research 64S.
Consider a Micro Seiki MS-505(the original version, not a MkII or MkIII) They are $800-$1K on ebay, depending on condition and completeness with accessories and box.  It's a great all round arm and more versatile with modern cartridges than a FR 64S.
" For those of you suggesting I keep the Luxman, do I need to spend in the $1,000 range for a better tonearm than the Denon?  A past suggestion has been a Fidelity Research 64S."

Unless you have both TT's for a comparison, its extremely difficult to judge one over the other. I would recommend that you work with a good dealer. Try Larry at Hollywood Sound in Hollywood FL. All he does is turntables. He sells VPI and he probably has some experience with your current TT. He'll give you a straight answer and won't try to sell you something that you don't need.


No reflection on Hollywood Sound, but the chance is close to nill that a brick and mortar store will understand or communicate the merit of a vintage table or tonearm relative to current production.