Doh, left system off all night

Today I've been really unhappy with the sound of my system. Bass is too bloated and treble is scratchy. I was racking my head trying to figure out what I changed.

Took me an hour to remember I left the system off for about 24 hours. Doh!

Hi @lalitk

My amps were the one thing that have not been turned off in weeks. :)

The two components which were included a Mytek Brooklyn and Parasound P7.


Hi Bpoletti,

If I may, what DAC you are considering?  I own a Modwright Elyse and thinking about auditioning Aesthetix Pandora 'Eclipse' or AR DAC9.  

Erik, I find the same thing with my Class A amps. They continue to improve (logarithmically) for about 10 hours, but are listenable after one. Oddly enough, the SS preamp is pretty stable after 5 minutes.
My stuff never really turns off..keeps a trickle charge running...only powers down, so that it sounds wonderful as soon as I turn it on (Ayre)

I cannot disclose the DAC I will get because it will end up being somebody's prototype.  But the DAC I have been using is an out of production modified Douk.  There might have been others better, but not in my system.  

String...   nice feature.  My Herron amps don't draw much when just sitting in the man-cave at idle.  i just walk down stairs and turn on the preamp, phono stage and start the turntable spinning an hour or so before I go down to do any serious listening.