Getting good sound from MacBook via DAC.

Hello everyone,

I decided to go down the digital path and picked up a Bryston BDA-2.  I hooked up an Audioquest USB 2 cable from my MacBook to the BDA-2  to play music from my Itunes and it sounds awful.  What am I doing wrong?  I tried playing with the sampling rates thru the MacBooks Audio Midi set-up but no help there. it sounds compressed, over extended bass, lack of detail and soundstage, just plain awful.  

Ive been using the DAC with my Simaudio CD player with excellent results. I also have a WADIA 177 hooked thru the DAC for my IPod which sounds surprising good. I like the idea of using the MacBook and was thinking about getting a dedicated Mac Mini for music files.  
iTunes could be the problem. I use Audirvana Plus on a MacBook Air and get excellent results. See my previous post on this subject.
@ghosthouse @mgattmch You guys are one small step away. I have been basically where you both are. Replace the MacBook Air or the Aries Mini with Sonore microRendu with a linear power supply and you will not believe how much improvement you will get and it won't cost anything vs. the MBA, and just a bit vs. the Aries Mini. BTW, I compared in same system vs. the higher end Aurelic Aries with linear power supply, and also ran Audirvana+ on a macbook for years in same system.

The microRendu isn't computeraudiophiles' product of the year for nothing! Really, I am not a guy to go nuts for the flavor-of-the-month stuff...hell I am running 14 yr old Lamm amps and 28yr old Sound Labs, but the microRendu is the true giant killer and provides a simple to use solution for everybody going down this road for ripped CDs, Tidal, Roon, high rez downloads from HD Tracks, all of the above....Cheers,
Hi Spencer -
Thanks for the input.

I might not be understanding all that the microRendu does but what I like about the Aries Mini is that it can stream Tidal, Spotify & internet radio wirelessly. In addition, I can use it to play ripped CDs from an external hard rive. If my preferred external DAC fails, I could fall back on the one in the Mini.

I had looked at the Sonore site several times. I think the microRendu is a streamer only and requires hard wired (Ethernet) connection to support that. I didn’t think it could work wirelessly or be connected to a 2TB external hard drive and play local music files. The various capability acronyms listed for it didn’t mean that much to me. I do like that it is "Roon Ready". The Aries Mini is not. Like I said, I might not understand fully all the mR’s capabilities.

I see Sonore recommends the iF Power as one possible power supply option for the microRendu. I purchased an IFi Power for the Aries Mini. Not linear but (reportedly) a very quiet mod’d. switching device. Much discussion about it on Computer Audiophile.

Pretty content with where I’m at right now. Enjoying Tidal that was part of the Aries Mini purchase. Still, I’ve no doubt, as with everything in "audio", there’s always something better just around the corner.

Thanks again.

Itunes should not make any difference, since you're transferring data and not the music.  As long as it is bit-perfect you should be OK.    One possibility is that there is something in the MACs software (or USB) settings (or Bryston settings) that is not right.  Perhaps USB port is faulty - try different one.  It is always possible that you're injecting noise into the DAC (try 2 wire USB cable), but it is not very likely.  It would not make it sound that awful.
You can always borrow another Mac and repeat it.  Async USB should give you the best sound available.
I use both a MAC mini and a Mac Book pro as music server sending AIFF files to a Bryston BDA-1 via Audiophilleo/PurePower USB/SPDIF converter.. Using Pure Music is an improvement over iTunes, however neither sounds 'horrible'.