Mogami wire quality?

Say compared to Cardas? 
Posts with actual comparison of Mogami with other wire: 3 (hdm, sbank. jetter)

All three preferred the Mogami to the more expensive competitor.

but I can say that balanced Mogami cables are natural, neutral and quiet. Do a great job fighting noise and don't really call attention to themselves. 
I have Mogami older (about 12 years old) balanced cables in my home studio connecting my audio interface and Yamaha monitors. My old, cheap "guitar center house brand" run of the mill cables were a bit noisy. When I switched to the MG, night and day. Really quiet and neutral sounding. After 12 years, not one issue. I believe I am running 6 feet each channel. 

I may try a pair of Mogami RCA interconnects when I get a new component. I am really happy with Blue jeans (Beldon) on my main system. Plus, I am running Canare Star Quad as speaker cables. I'm thinking about trying a pair of ZU Event cables.

akg_ca , if there’s an audible difference, they are increasing wire thickness and/or reducing cable length with each ’upgrade’. Monster cable has done that kind of demo well before nordost or audioquest.

Thanks for the link by the way... it's a good read.

I was there among the masses in the actual demo ..... it was a straight swap in swap out with no cable length change

As the A-B swapin swap-out exercise moved up the cable model selection, there was a steady audio performance improvement from bottom to top.

When you examine the cables (ICs and speakers ) either in person or by way of reading on their website, FOR SURE there is a progressive improvement in build materials, silver content, resultant weight, and Especially in the progressive design improvements and increasingly difficult and improved manufacturing processes.

Over the three days, we then visited most of the audio demo rooms by all the exhibitors. It is a large show. What we saw was that The VALHALLAS , by far, comprised the highest number of selected cables used by all unrelated independent gear and speaker brands with demo rooms in the expo. Assuming they are all putting their proverbial best foot forward to draw attention to their own product, Draw your own conclusions.

What that tells me is the obvious and the intuitive --  system synergy matters and one-size does not fit all. 
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Mogami is great stuff, and very high in the performance for money. I would say that if you cannot budget around $1K for some interconnects, you won't do much if any better than Mogami. IMO, YMMV....

It does get better though. Zenwave Audio makes cables using very nice wire that compete with anything out there at any price. Build quality is better than any other cable I have tried as well. This is truly cutting edge stuff.