Wilson Audio Haters

I've always wondered why there are so many people out there, that more than any other speaker manufacturer, really hate the Wilson line. I own Maxx 2's and also a pair of Watt Puppys. They are IMHO quite wonderful.

Why does Wilson get so much thrashing?

I use my sub in my HT system.  I prefer 2-channel without a sub, but occasionally listen with the sub  That being said, you should search for Dave Wilson's comments regarding why he uses subs with the  $200K XLF speakers. I guess it makes you feel better to say something bad about my speakers. As a matter of fact, educate yourself on why many people use subs with their speakers.
Subs when well integrated are breathtaking.

At all other times they are miserable failures that make you wonder why you ever got into Hi Fi at all, and whether you will ever be happy again.


Good Hi Fi system should produce enuogh bass without adding sub otherwise something is wrong with the speakers, amplification (not enough power ?) ,cables or the listening room.

Sorry I don`t agree. Even the biggest speakers like Focal Grand EM benefit from properly installed subs. Of course you need a fast sub that matches your mains.
Your statement may be somewhat correct if your listening room is very small but again then there are more reflection bass than a real pure bass.

Anyway the main topic here seems to be our beloved BO.
So I did a quick google on our mighty leader and enlightener Bo.
It seems that it`s not at all about MA. He has probably fallen in love in some some artifactial DSP surround. 
I will continue in my next post.
"It seems that it`s not at all about MA. He has probably fallen in love in some some artifactial DSP surround.
I will continue in my next post. "

Your comment is perfect adding a sub is no more than addiction to artificial unnecessary extra bass .


Maybe the amplification doesn’t have enuogh power to drive the MA, maybe the cables need ugrade or the listening room is very big I don’t now ....

The MA 500 should handle low frequencies properly without adding sub .