In case anyone is curious, Mr. Alexander's patent that is cited in the DI description can be found here. Although after reading its 14 pages I'd have to say that it doesn't provide a great deal more information than what is stated at the Tekton website.
Also, for those who may consider how much amplifier power is desirable for use with this speaker, it should be kept in mind that given its 4 ohm nominal impedance the stated sensitivity of 98.82 db/2.83 volts/1 meter is equivalent to 95.82 db/1 watt/1 meter. That follows from the fact that while 2.83 volts into 8 ohms corresponds to 1 watt, 2.83 volts into 4 ohms corresponds to 2 watts. That distinction is particularly relevant in the case of tube amps, which in most cases cannot supply more power into 4 ohms than into 8 ohms.
Corelli, best of luck with your purchase.
-- Al
Also, for those who may consider how much amplifier power is desirable for use with this speaker, it should be kept in mind that given its 4 ohm nominal impedance the stated sensitivity of 98.82 db/2.83 volts/1 meter is equivalent to 95.82 db/1 watt/1 meter. That follows from the fact that while 2.83 volts into 8 ohms corresponds to 1 watt, 2.83 volts into 4 ohms corresponds to 2 watts. That distinction is particularly relevant in the case of tube amps, which in most cases cannot supply more power into 4 ohms than into 8 ohms.
Corelli, best of luck with your purchase.
-- Al