Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?
Well wolf you asked soooo.
The black fuse I put on my nose when I listen and it makes everything sound supremely better. And I mean gloriously better, if you know what I mean. As I sit there I try to balance the fuse upright on it's end 4.21349486" from my ears. I got the idea from sound resonators and diffusors. The facts are that I cannot balance an littlefuse, bussman,acme or any other foreign made fuse on my nose. I know that's what I thought. I should be able to balance another fuse on my nose, but sorry parley farley for the life of me I cannot. And then I know these fuses are directional because I can balance them only on one of the ends. Those are the facts wolf nothing but the facts.
Because of the huuuge success I have had with these fuses I recommend them to everyone especially you. 
Hi Jason,
Your findings are consistent with many other Black fuse users. No they do not alter the innate sonic character of a given component. Instead they have the effect of enhancing what good qualities were already there. It’s as if things become a bit purer and as a result realism takes a step forward.
Ptss: I'm a photographer.  And, work in sales, but cameras, not audio gear.  The nickname came from people telling me I had a way that I blurred into the background, and captured great candids of people.  I call my my speakers my "mistresses", because I spend as much time with them, as I do my wife to be, who is also an audiophile, her name is Jocelyn.  She's a teacher, a brilliant artist, and loves music maybe more than I do.

So, on top of being blurry, I'm also very (wait for it...) transparent.

Have fun with that.

Wolf, I have no idea what they do.  If I did, I'd manufacturer my own, and save myself money.  The skepticism is healthy.  Well before to fuse craze started, back when I was younger and much poorer, I noticed that ceramic and glass fuses sounded different.  Stranger, still, different manufactures of glass fuses sounded different.  I don't know why that is, but it was audible, and repeatable.

Generally, I've stayed away from aftermarket fuses, even prior Synergistic fuses, because for what good they did, they also introduced some bad.  Outside of one lone Furutech fuse in my amp, everything's been stock, with whatever fuses came in the gear.  It seemed like a waste of money to gamble on change, when there was no guarantee that the change would be good.

This Black Fuse has no downsides.  Assuming you like your gear, and the music it creates, it'll just make what you hear sound more open, increase space and size while filling space better, with no change in tonality, and no spotlighting of any frequencies.

I understand the skeptic camp, and as much as I'd love to do an a/b test for any of you, I get the sense that you're more interested in being right than sharing the experience with me, and posting your own results here.  Knowledge is all fine and good, but what I've experienced with this fuse in place is running head first into what I know.  In that fight, experience wins.

But, if anyone would like to hear it for yourself, and live in the Los Angeles area, send me a private message, and I'd be happy to give you a listen, have you meet Jocelyn, hand you a beer, and whether or not you hear a difference, we can talk about other things like good music, what started us in being audiophiles, and they debt were hiding from our significant others pursuing it :)


You make me wish I lived in LA Jason! Beer while listening to good music with music lovers? Nice. Like you I have no idea how these fuses do what they do.......nor do I care. I don't know exactly how most of my equipment works and thankfully that doesn't diminish my joy of listening to it one iota. Hiding the actual cost of our audio obsession from our significant others? Ignorance is bliss, right? :)
Wolf, I found this on another thread and it may (or may not) answer your question:
309 posts
11-17-2016 12:31pm
The idea that fuses and power supply components are not part of the signal chain is not entirely correct. Anything coming in from the A/C, power cables, fuses, rectifiers, regulators, or power supplies can all become part of the output signal.

An operational amplifier circuit (whether discrete or monolithic op amp) will only pass through the actual signal if the signal is coming in on the inverting input of the op amp AND the negative feedback gain is unity gain (0 gain) or less than unity gain (i.e. it’s forcing op amp to de-amplify the signal). In this case, the waveform signal will actually route itself around the op amp using the negative feedback line as a pathway. That being said, even with unity gain, the type of op amp or power supply elements will still influence the character or sonic signature of the audio.

If the negative feedback circuit is set to create a "gain" (or amplify), it increases the voltage of the waveform by using voltage from the positive/negative rails from the power supply (i.e. +/-15V). This additional voltage is sent through the output pin of the op amp. It this case, the fuse, power cord, A/C elements will contribute to the character of the waveform (in the sense of affecting how the op amp slews in relating to the input waveform, how far/fast it slews, character of the DC noise, etc.).

In a power amp circuit, the output transistors have to create massive gain (turning a 1V input into something like 15-100 watts or more). It has to use the A/C power coming in to create this voltage, so your signal is actually something like 98% A/C voltage.

I’ve posted that link before, but it’s an excellent lecture on how op amps actually work.

It may explain why some hear improvements and some do not. It's all over my head but it shows causality of sorts.

All the best,