Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?
Nyname…my thoughts on SR fuses are pretty clear, so feel free to read my previous posts, and indeed, I clearly wish I was oregonpapa due to the sad little life I lead in quiet (or noisy at times) desperation. I mean really…that's simply obvious. However, I don't wish for the closure of this thread because that would deprive me of a regular  opportunity to continue my ranting against what I view as a silly overprice pseudo tweak. Why would anybody want that? I utilize plenty of tweaks that I find useful, use good cables, etc., so I'm not a complete luddite (or philistine…or something), but the promotion of a nonsensical, inexplicable, expensive and utterly useless fuse "upgrade" will garner my ire as long as this thread continues. If you're secure in your faith in SR fuses, you shouldn't mind my criticism, but the energy spent criticizing me could possibly be better utilized by simply answering my often asked question: What the heck do these fuses actually do to the electrons they encounter that less precious fuses don't? Sorry that this question is so upsetting, but hey…that's on you. Oregonpapa…you may not be an actual employee of SR, but it sure seemed like you could be, and my view on that has softened somewhat…I hope you find that comforting. My listening preferences are saved for other threads as this is my regular anti pseudo tweak exercise that I relish…and what shouldn't I? (note…that was a rhetorical question).

Making a multiple accounts here is a piece of cake. So we newer know who is a dealer, promoter or a satisfied customer. 

I`m actually also in your boat. I don`t buy that fuse + many other tweaks theory.
But again.... I have never tried the damn fuse, so I can`t comment or take sides here.
I believe in science and this fuse upgrade has nothing to do with it as far I know. Prove me if I`m wrong.
I believe that we can`t underestimate our psychology, conceived preconception and pre-biased expectations.
I also believe that if someone feels like the expensive fuse has bettered his system and he is happy..... Then I believe that the fuse is not so expensive at all...!
plutos >>>

Why not give the SR Black fuses a try? They have a 30 day money back guarantee if you don't like them. In the event you don't like the fuses, or find them ineffective, you'll just be out a few bucks for shipping. After you do that, then I'd love to see an unbiased evaluation from you. 

Wolf >>>

So happy to see that you are "softening" on your viewpoint on my "employment" with SR.  Does this mean that your insults and personal attacks will finally end??

And again Wolfie ... most of us don't care HOW the fuses work, only that they do. Geeze, if I had to analyse everything to death like you do, I'd never get anything done. How do you ever arrive at a conclusion or make a logical decision? You remind me of the engineer I sold a home to years ago. He wanted to know how thick the drywall was. What???  I told him I'd try to get the owner's permission for him to drill a hole through the drywall so he could measure, but he would be responsible to return everything to its original state.  He never drilled the hole. Wolfie ... life is WAY too short, and you can take that to the bank. :-)

On posting your favorite music choices ... If you don't want to post them here just to further interest in this thread, then how about providing some links to threads where you have posted them? A lot can be revealed about "audiophiles" just by the music they listen to. Have you ever followed up on some of the suggested music reviews in Stereophile or TAS? I download them from Spotify just to see what the reviewers are listening to. Most of the time I just shake my head wondering how they can make an accurate assessment of any equipment they review by listening through electronic trash or recordings that are drenched in artificial digital reverb. This includes even some the most well thought of reviewers too. 

@uberwaltz fantastic post thank you! @plutos skepticism is always healthy when paired with an open mind so kudos to you! @wolf_garcia why do you keep picking on OregonPapa don't you actually work for Jolida?  Ok now wolf you know I am teasing you and generally speaking dude just relax a bit it's just a fuse. Perhaps go after the $5K record weight folks or someone else for a while? :-) Seriously though thanks for the entertaining banter guys it's why I keep coming back to this thread. Peace out.
Thanks Jond!


I`m in Europe so shipping and customs are bit too much for a fuse.
May I ask what fuses you suggest to change first? Amp, preamp or digital player?
Can you please explain briefly the theory behind the aftermarket fuses and their benefits?

Thanks in advance and Happy listening!