Have you ever tried a pair of speakers and said this Is the last thing I will ever need.

Hi Audiogoners have you you ever had a local dealer that is so pashonet about audio. That they let you bring in your system for fun and try a $10 000speakers. And you have been to every other local dealers shows and listened to $400 000 and above systems. And then tried a pair of speakers and had so much synergy with your budget system and said omg. This blows all other systems I heard for a fraction of the cost of most others? And have been always happy with that pair of speakers and your system for the rest of your life?

Please share your experience"
@fstary "Horns are quite dynamic, but the frequency balance and awareness of the different drivers are weaknesses."

I was expecting this with my new Klipsch La Scalla IIs. I'm happy to report these are some of the most natural and coherent speakers I've ever heard. They deliver scale on another level of largeness -even at low-volume they sound "big". They are excellent at differentiating the texture and timbre of different instruments -emphasis on "articulate". Bass, while not "Powerful", is very natural especially with orchestral music and Jazz -it is what you would hear at a Club or Symphony Hall.

On YouTube, a twenty-something young man posted a video with the title: Klipsch La Scala II - It Seems No Other Speaker Compares To It

He may be onto something?
Interestingly enough the first time I "tried" the speakers I now own I did not care for them.  They were slow, bloated and lacked dynamics.  Most likely the amplifier used was not a good match.
Fast forward a couple years and the Harbeth C7ES3 are not going anywhere.  
I know better. They’ll plant me with new speakers position properly in my casket.
Yes.  My B&W 703 that I bought 14 years ago
Sure there are better and more expensive speakers but they play full range , cover all sound qualities & genres and look nice. I intend  it to be my last speaker.