Endeavor Audio E3 owners

I'm interested in your thoughts on this speakers. I auditioned them today, and I frankly loved the way they sounded. I'm just now in a dilemma between these and the Legacy Audio Signature SE speakers that I also loved.  If there are people who auditioned both, I'd be interested in your thoughts.  Or owners of either, I'd be interested in your thoughts as well.  They are around the same price and both sound amazing.

What to do?
I heard them at Axpona last year with Audio Alchemy and they were really good. I never hear much about them though. 

I have the E-2 Mk2 for about 2 years now, and I still enjoy them as much as day 1.  They sound absolutely amazing.  Musical and engaging.  I've used Hegel, Vincent, and Plinius amps on them, and they just sound great with any of them.  Highly recommended.
I listened to the E-3 on many occasions and I think the sound quality is definitely above their price point. I won't hesitate to buy a pair, especially if you can find them on the used market. I only heard the Legacy a few times at the audio shows. Not as impressive as the E-3. But that's just my opinion...