Wife trouble

Bought Def. Tech. 8040 Towers for living room for my first dive into audio world.  Because I love music, I really enjoy the sound over TV. My wife fell in love with a huge console that spans the length of LR wall and so towers will not work. 8040's are bipolar and need space to breath. What to do?
Hah I will have to disagree "The worst day married is better than the best day as a bachelor". But a happy spousal unit is an optimal setup.

I will agree that having a dedicated room that you can constantly reconfigure without issue is the hot setup.

There is also some really great technology in small form factors out there that may let you keep the SU happy. B&W CM series or the Quad S-1 comes to mind. I think The Dynaudio C1 Platinum comes in 4 different finishes and they will even build you a custom finish.http://www.dynaudio.com/home-audio/confidence/c1-platinum

I have friend who’s wife comes and hovers over us every time we start to mess with anything in his system. :(
I've been married to the same great and mostly very patient lady for some 43 years. While not quite as exuberant about the audio as me, she has been most tolerant, even helpful with setting up my (our) systems. There were times we had to be a bit innovative to keep esthetics acceptable while setting up and treating for best sound but we managed to make it work. Now she has her tv room in what would be family room adjoining the kitchen and I have my audio room, in what would be living room, adjoining dining room. She helped me pick out some heavy acoustic drapes to use rather than acoustic foam and complained only a bit with the Magnapans out about 4 ft, from the back wall, but likes the sound, so, in all, we're still happy campers.
Best advice is to, if you can, separate your spaces but work together to keep those spaces mutually enjoyable. Best of luck,
You're not alone in this mca7944.  As my 10 year marriage has progressed my system has gotten smaller and more simple.  Don't mistake smaller for less good, however.  I think my system now is as good or better than it's ever been and it couldn't be simpler.  I have a Wyred 4 Sound DAC 2 running direct into a W4S power amp.  The speakers sit atop isoacoustics stands on top of the wife's beloved living room tv cabinet.   I use my laptop as my source running JRiver and Tidal.  Its fun, pretty compact, and tolerable to the wife.  My elementary school daughters can even dial up Taylor Swift on my computer (let the snide remarks fly).  We have dance parties in the living room.  As much as a separate room is endorsed here listening to music everyone enjoys can be as much fun as (or better) than listening to it in isolation in your own space that she's never a part of.  
I couldn't agree with you more about marriage.  I don't miss bachelorhood at all.   My wife is way cooler than my stereo.  
Great post.
Music should be appreciated by all. Your daughters will have a good background in music, as well as good sound reproduction.
Another option: my wife wasn't psyched on big speakers upstairs, hence my listening room downstairs, which gives me more leeway, as mentioned. But upstairs in the open plan kitchen/dining/living area, I've installed a system with 4 small, white speakers in the corners, up against the ceiling and an in wall sub in the back of our breakfast bar. It's inconspicuous, sounds reasonably good and still let's us have family dance parties..

When I'm downstairs listening, my wife and/or kids will often come down and hang. As has been mentioned by others, I've also occasionally bought some vinyl that I knew my wife (Nora Jones) or kids (Lukas Graham, Gorillaz) would love, just to surprise them on those very occasions.

Families can be amazing. And are far more important than any system.