Speaker recommendation for married couple

I am the guy who opened the thread "Harbeth Love". Unfortunately, wife didn't like them at all. She listened to ATC, nope. Spendor? Nope. I do trust her ears too but we need speakers that we both like. I remember her liking this Sonus Faber speakers (can't recall the model but I know newer Fabers). She also likes KEF LS50 which I find good but not outstanding. Any help for this married couple?:)
The issue in this case is that looks clearly trumped sound for your wife...this is EXACTLY why I'm not married!!
I have 3 different systems. My wife likes the least expensive ones in our living room. Decware ERRx radial speakers, she's says these are the best even though I have Janszen hybrid electrostats in my listening room that I feel are clearly superior. There's something she likes about the Omni directional sound.
I bet she liked the small Sonus Fabers...

Buy whichever ones you like the sound of that she approved, and then buy her a couple of new coffee tables.

If she asks why liquids on the coffee tables are vibrating, just deny that you see any movement...
Monitor Audio is a very good brand to listen to together.  Most of their speakers are now rather slender too.


Thank you for the replies! I should have given more info in my first post, sorry.

My wife read all the replies too. So, let me try to give more info.

The Sonus Faber was a monitor. I still cannot recall the model.

With the Harbeths/ATC/Spendor, she said the vocals sounded flat. That was her exact word, flat.

I agree SF and LS50 are different sounding speakers. She probably again went for the vocals only (not necessarily same sound but probably the way she likes it). She does not like when the vocals make that "TISSSSS" sound where it scratches your ears. She also likes good bass, more than I do for sure.

We pretty much listen to similar music and not limited to artists below. We listen to heavy metal and rap the least probably.

Wilco, etc.

Lately, she started to listen more jazz/female vocals like me (I love female vocals).

Norah Jones
Diana Krall
Billie Holiday
Agnes Obel
Fay Claassen,etc.

We do not have the biggest room, about 300sq ft. but the problem is the ceiling (wood) is low, only 6ft.

Let's get back to recommendations.

All the brands I know and some I have heard. I always wanted to hear the Vandersteens but never had a chance to.

Let me rephrase Johnny because this is exactly what I want to achieve. ".. feel the music instead of analyzing parts of the stereo." 
I want to sit down and enjoy the music without any distraction and without trying to find out what can be better with my system.

Anyway, although we cannot probably find all the speakers to audition but we will do our best :)

Thanks again!