Amplifier Upgrade Decision

I need some help/feedback with regards to upgrading my power amplifier for 2 channel music. My current set up includes following components
1. Source (Digital)- Oppo BDP-95
2. Source (Analog)- Clearaudio Concept Turntable
3. Pre-Amplifier- Parasound Halo JC-2
4. Pre-Amplifier- Parasound Halo P-7 (using the phono interface for playing the turntable)
5. Power Amplifier- Parasound Halo A-21
6. Front Speakers- Aerial Model-7T
7. Power Cable- Nordost Heimdall 2 and Red Dawn 2
8. Interconnect Cable- Nordost Frey 2, Heimdall 2 and Red Dawn 2
9. Speaker Cable- Nordost Red Dawn 2
10. Wall Receptacle- Furutech GTX-D NCF(R)
11. 2 Dedicated 20 Amp (10 AWG) circuits feeding the entire system
12. GIK Room Acoustics Bass traps/Diffusors
13. Room size- 16’ X 12’
This set up sounds good but I wanted to take it to the next level and wanted to upgrade my amplifier to a better 2 Channel amplifier or a set of mono-blocks. I love Class A/AB sound and would like to stick to this technology. My choices, not in any particular order, are
1. Upgrade to a Plinius SA 103 (125 W pure Class A per channel) and use it as a 2 channel amplifier
2. Upgrade to a set of Class-A mono-blocks. My choices, not in any particular order, are
    a. Parasound Halo JC-1
    b. Pass Labs XA-60.8
My budget is around 10-12K.

I know everything is system dependent but I would love to hear your opinion on these amplifiers before starting on product evaluation.

I am also not sure if my mono-block amplifier choices would provide significant value add from a sound perspective over the Plinius or any other good quality 2 channel amplifier at this price point. So I would love to hear your feedback on this point as well.

Slight correction to my previous post:  "83.3 db" was a typo, and should have been "83.6 db."

-- Al
Folks, Thanks for chiming in... A few comments from my side.

Power requirement, as pointed out by Al, George and others, is very important for me because this amplifier would be used for both 2 channel and HT applications. Although I am a music person, HT need for the rest of my family could not be compromised. I selected Pass Labs XA60.8 because
1. Mike Kelly told me a number of times that Model 7T is relatively an easy load for any amplifier
2. Pass Labs product team confirmed that this unit will be more than capable of driving Model 7T in my room with a plenty of headroom in reserve to support dynamic range

Is there anybody in this group driving Aerial Model 7T with a Pass Lab amplifier XA-60.8?

@ricred- Do you still have Model 7T speakers? If yes, what are you currently using to drive it?

It sounds like Plinius in stereo mode will have double the Class-A power than the Pass Lab amplifier. If the stereo sound output of Plinius is equivalent to Pass Labs mono blocks then that might be a good choice for me. 
Again any feedback on this topic would be appreciated.

Aerial 7Ts, great speakers, but my room is 20' x 26' and I sold them. I did have the opportunity to hear them with my current components: Jeff Rowland 625 S2 amp and Jeff Rowland Corus preamp. Significantly more musical than Parasound to my ears, but it should be considering the cost difference.

You should consider the Aesthetix Atlas. You could buy mono amps used in your price range.
After listening to a few different PASS, Threshold, Stasis amps popular in my area of NorCal over many years, a few local guys started trying other amps for different sound tastes; one is the Cary SA-200.2. I bought the new Cary 200.2 solid state amp just over a month ago to compare side by side to some of my tube amps. With the right sources, interconnects, and compatible speakers, the new Cary SA-200.2 stereo or larger monoblock amps are really nice sounding for the $ and then some. I put a nice Cary SLP-98 tube preamp in front of my SA-200.2 solid state amp, it really sings smooth after 150-200hrs of break-in. Sound can be tuned using softer or brighter interconnect cables. Just went from silver plated copper back to pure copper interconnects on this new setup, and wow. It’s giving my tube amps a run for the money. Huge, deep base, nice soundstage, very dynamic, and more midrange with good copper cables. I own just one Cary SA-200.2 stereo amp, and its plenty at 200w/8ohms, but I’m running mine at 350w/4ohms. Great value too, my .02 cents. Super bang for the buck $

Dual Cary SA-200.2 amplifiers, found this on youtube (video)