Well, I went from a gazillion resonators down to just ten. With the smaller amount, I do hear a nice addition to, and a repositioning of my soundstage. Not the groundbreaking, earthshaking change some have stated, but a nice little tweak, nonetheless. I'm happy!
My most pleasurable gain came by adding a resonator to each side of my front speakers. The outside resonators provided me with a slightly wider stage but also more ambiance. The inward facing resonators brought the singers and main instraments closer in toward center stage while providing much more definition for the individual parts. This was done with just four resonators. I got a little greedy and doubled the resonators (now with four facing inward and four facing out) with the new resonators placed about 15-18" below the first resonators. The result was more muddy and harsh.
So now, I'm a confirmed minimalist when it comes to using these things.
Hopefully, you don't throw your resonators away. Maybe after some time with no resonators, you might try adding one to the inside of both your speakers or maybe try the outside edge. For me, I found that having my inward facing resonators at ear level (when seated) and my outward facing ones about 1 - 1.5 feet higher gave me the best reward. That's as high off the floor as I would ever want to go.
But in the end, it's all about what makes the best music to you and your ears only. So, if you end up liking music better without them - leave em' in a box.
BTW I have a couple of different versions of your resonators and they work very well for me. I just built a few more smaller resonator types so I could test if different cone sizes affect different frequencies. I also used heavier and lighter bases for the resonators to find out if the base material affects the sound. Hopefully, I'll have the time to do the testing a couple of times, and write up a report soon. I'm gonna try get it out this weekend or maybe early next week.
Thanks for all your help.
My most pleasurable gain came by adding a resonator to each side of my front speakers. The outside resonators provided me with a slightly wider stage but also more ambiance. The inward facing resonators brought the singers and main instraments closer in toward center stage while providing much more definition for the individual parts. This was done with just four resonators. I got a little greedy and doubled the resonators (now with four facing inward and four facing out) with the new resonators placed about 15-18" below the first resonators. The result was more muddy and harsh.
So now, I'm a confirmed minimalist when it comes to using these things.
Hopefully, you don't throw your resonators away. Maybe after some time with no resonators, you might try adding one to the inside of both your speakers or maybe try the outside edge. For me, I found that having my inward facing resonators at ear level (when seated) and my outward facing ones about 1 - 1.5 feet higher gave me the best reward. That's as high off the floor as I would ever want to go.
But in the end, it's all about what makes the best music to you and your ears only. So, if you end up liking music better without them - leave em' in a box.
BTW I have a couple of different versions of your resonators and they work very well for me. I just built a few more smaller resonator types so I could test if different cone sizes affect different frequencies. I also used heavier and lighter bases for the resonators to find out if the base material affects the sound. Hopefully, I'll have the time to do the testing a couple of times, and write up a report soon. I'm gonna try get it out this weekend or maybe early next week.
Thanks for all your help.