So this is all about the transmission of polarities of shear from one solid material to another..something that isolation fails to address.
Geometric shapes primarily are the most important aspect of this transfer system and then the actual shear velocity of the material or materials. Compression waves when they contact any solid surface become shear waves which become trapped within isolation forms and systems contained in and on devices..walls and chassis, speaker boxes and other components all to be remixed with the signal you wish to maintain. Motors, transformers and speakers and the vinyl LP all these generate shear waves of which, some polarities are a necessary part of sound polarity is not useful but harmful to the transfer of energy and detrimental to sound integrity. Tom
Tom, you should probably read the white paper on the active isolation system by Herzan that Folkfreak posted the other day that specifically addresses these self-induced vibrations you're referring to. Obviously, the recent spate of speaker isolation devices and platforms also address these issues. So, to summarize, you’re wrong that isolation doesn’t address self induced vibration, from whatever source, transformers, speakers, what have you. If isolation could not address ALL vibrations LIGO would never have been able to detect gravity waves, you remember, the ones with the amplitude of the nucleus of an atom.