Tekton Double Impacts

Anybody out there heard these??

I have dedicated audio room 14.5x20.5x9 ft.  Currently have Marantz Reference CD/Intergrated paired to Magnepan 1.7's with REL T-7 subs.  For the vast majority of music I love this system.  The only nit pick is that it is lacking/limited in covering say below 35 hz or so.  For the first time actually buzzed the panel with an organ sacd. Bummer.  Thought of upgrading subs to rythmicks but then I will need to high pass the 1.7's.  Really don't want to deal with that approach.

Enter the Double Impacts.  Many interesting things here.  Would certainly have a different set of strengths here.  Dynamics, claimed bottom octave coverage in one package, suspect a good match to current electronics.

I've read all the threads here so we do not need to rehash that.  Just wondering if others out there have FIRST HAND experience with these or other Tekton speakers

@cal3713 : Why are you  "scared a bit by Coincident discontinuing the remote version." ?  Thanks.
Just chiming in. Received my DIs a couple of weeks ago.  A little about my background: In the past I've worked in the high-end audio retail side for about a decade and the engineering and manufacturing side for part of that time.  I've owned Von Schweikert, Dali, Analysis Audio panel speakers, Klipsch, and now Tekton. I don't like push-pull amps (tube or SS), period. I gravitated to SET Amps early on and have never looked back with the exception of a few CLASS D amps which were purchased because the speakers dictated it.

I currently own an Art Audio Diavolo 300B Copper Reference SET Tube Amplifier (10wpc) from the UK made by Tom Willis.  This is the 2nd one I've owned, which might speak volumes to some regarding my feelings toward their beautifully crafted and seductive sounding amplifiers; albeit my feelings toward their price point is a bitter pill to swallow. 
  I use a Benchmark DAC2 HGC for my digital/preamp front-end and ROON's Software for music management. 
  I use Analysis Plus Big Silver in a biwire arrangement and love their build quality, double 9awg size,  and their utter neutrality, but not for any placebo related perceived improvement, per se. 

Compared to the Klipsch's 101db sensitive @ 8ohms I can tell you that with only 10wpc the Double Impacts play much louder and do not soft-clip like the Klipsch easily do. It's been said they fudge their sensitivity a bit, but then again, many others do. I can tell you I'm able to push my amplifier much farther to very loud satisfying volume levels in my 16x14x9ft room. 

Im very pleased with the Double Impact' s horn-like dynamics and appreciate that it doesn't have to come at the expense of the subsequent horn-loaded sonic aberrations that I find compromise their sound in a deleterious way. 
  The DIs are a very musical speaker when compared to analytical or hyper-detailed speakers such as a few Wilson's or B&W offerings. They image incredibly well with an exceptional soundstage height, width, and depth that leaves me wanting for nothing.  
  A big pet peeve of mine with regards to perceived sound quality is top-to-bottom coherence, something many speakers manage to fail at surprisingly often, some more than others (ie. Most lowered tiered Martin Logans as an egregious example...there, I said it =-P). 
  The DIs to my ears present a very coherent top-to-bottom sound which I suspect lends to their big and bold wall-of-sound presentation and it's sure to please and beguile the owners of electrostatic or planar magnetic speakers.
 The most two important things that must be present in spades for me to be satiated sonically and emotionally are micro-dynamics and palpability in the midrange.
  SET amps of good engineering will get you part of that equation only to have it nefariously raped and robbed by lesser or simply incompatible speakers. In my system, the DI's reproduce micro-dynamics and palpability in spades, and with startling delight, with all the accompanied emotional hair-raising, tear-jerking, and goose-bump inducing pleasure that comes with it.

  I'm very fortunate to have found this thread and the one on Audiokarma before going down the rabbit hole of spending 5-10 times more for a speaker that would provide nothing more to my enjoyment. For this reason, I applaud and kindly stand in ovation to those of you who pioneered the way and contributed to this thread which helped me find such a rare unicorn in the audio world; extremely high value with no audible compromise which lurks in these pages of this fine thread. 


Jonathan Carcopo
Raleigh, NC
Music lovers are always welcomed to my home for a listen!

Your Art Audio Diavolo 300b SET has earned a reputation for beautiful sound quality and aesthetics as well. I’m glad it has mated so wonderfully with your pair of the Tekton DI.

Given yours and other recent commentary on this thread it does seem as though the DI is an ideal speaker for those interested in trying a SET amplifier in their system as it is apparently very easily driven with low power amplifiers.
@rlphillips     Sorry I am not ignoring your request to hear the DIs at my house just can't figure out how in the hell to send a PM. I'm sure it's simple and I'm an idiot but can anybody help me out? Thanks

Being the owner of the very first pair of DI's I am happy to hear when the likes of you, teajay and others find them equally as astonishing as I do. When first getting them I couldn't believe what I was hearing and was apprehensive to review them, but went ahead and did so in hopes I was really hearing what I thought I was. I had no one else to compare notes with for the first month or so until the others recieved their DI's. It was a relief hearing all of the praise the speakers were garnering and to realize I wasn't crazy! I still scratch my head wondering these speakers can be this good......but they are. Thanks for sharing your impressions of them and I agree completely with your accessment of them.