8K for a one-time listen?

As someone who can appreciate the potential value of $20K speaker wires in an appropriate system, this is over the top, even for me.  Devialet is issuing recordings on actual lacquer for $7900, but the kicker is - they can only be listened to ONCE.  And the lacquer wears away.  All I can say is - Actually, I have nothing to say.  
Here it is in case you wish to indulge. 

After watching our Presidential Elections, they must have realized that we will buy anything.
Maybe you could rent a decent hall, get a manufacturer or two to loan you a big system, invite 100 audiophiles over at $100 a head and let them all listen, then compare to the vinyl, CD and hi-rez download you also get for your $8K.  You might even make some money out of it after taking the refreshments into account!
This is GREAT :-)  My GrooveMaster Vintage Direct DN308 Professional has the 14" platter required for these - got to raise the price though :-)  if onetime plays are $ 8K, I'm selling these too cheap  :-)  


Good Listening
