Integrated Amplifier with the Good Bass and Extended Highs

Looking for an SS Integrated amplifier with the NAD's or Simaudio's deep bass but with the extended highs
for the PSB Synchrony speakers. I listened PSB with the Accuphase E-470 (which I shouldn't) and since then I can't find the right amplifier. I tried Belles Aria but I didn't like the bass.

Consider Peachtree Nova300.  Plenty of good reviews, seems to be good bang for your buck.
Maybe an integrated with tone controls? You can tailor to your liking.

I heard the Hegel 360 at the Los Angeles Audio Show and it was very good; considerably better than the Rost although the Rost was pretty good. They performed comparison tests between the Rost, 360, and their reference separates. The 360 was fairly close to the separates and it and the Rost have built-in DACs. The demo speaker was the KEF Blade 2. I liked the Hegel sound.
The T+A has tone controls....Not well known, but well worth checking out... Here is the base model.... they compare it with the Hegel H300 & H360...