Vinyl recordings - best methods

Hi there
I would like to draw your attention here:
Maybe, now, there are even better recorders, out there.
Yet a big part of the picture is, do the best with what you have.
We need more discussion with updates on how to do the best recordings.

Ag insider logo xs@2xo_holter

I was at Dave Garretson’s yesterday and was fortunate to hear some of his needle drops. To say I was impressed would be a vast understatement. I don’t think I have heard better quality from digitized vinyl. Now, besides the fact that Dave knows what he is doing, he also has top-notch gear at his disposal - excellent ’table, arms, carts, a great system, and the means to really clean his records. Plus, he doesn’t need a computer for the digitizing. I have been doing CD-R needle drops using my much more modest vinyl rig and a prosumer Marantz CD recorder. I like the results, bu they are nowhere near what Dave was getting with his DSD TASCAM machine.

I am one of the beta testers for the Sweetvinyl Sugarcube-2, a Linux based one-box turn-key solution for declicking, digitizing, adding metadata, and track splitting (all automatic, no computer editing needed). I started a thread here on the SC-2 where I will post my impressions once I take delivery (estimated to be some time in August). This device will provide digital files up to 24/192, so no DSD, but I am hoping it will both produce better-sounding files and be more convenient than my current setup.


Thanks for visiting on Sunday for the demo. I’m taking another step with the Tascam DA-3000 by ordering an external Antelope Liveclock. The Liveclock will provide a 44.1 word clock to the Tascam as appropriate for DSD128 recording. The Antelope will also synchronize itself to the 10Mhz SRS PERF-10 Rubidium clock that I’m using with the Esoteric K-01X. Spec sheets suggest that this will increase clock accuracy to the ADC by an order of magnitude to .01ppm. I can also power the Liveclock at 12Vdc from the Hynes SR7. It’s a $1K gamble, but so far the experiment of recording vinyl with the Tascam has been worthwhile at every step.

An Antelope LiveClock is now 44.1kHz external word clock for the Tascam.  LiveClock is synchronized to the SRS 10mHz rubidium clock.  I haven't yet compared the SRS clock to LiveClock's internal oven controlled oscillator. Both ADC ad DAC sections of the Tascam sound much improved.  It's a pleasant surprise that the wall wart that Antelope includes with the LiveClock is a linear power supply.  Next step is to build a DC umbilical to connect LiveClock to the Hynes SR7.        
BTW, Tascam specs the DA-3000's internal oscillator at 1 ppm precision, as compared to .02ppm for the LiveClock.
hi there again,
dgarretson, and others, I am in for my yearly 'best of' vinyl recordings. For now I will use the DA-3000 as is - it has served me really well - but maybe I could upgrade it in the fall. What are the DA-3000 mods that really make a difference (regarding the recording part)?