"send the dented dust cap woofers to his suppliers for reconing at a really low cost., which I assume he will do. Reconing a woofer is quite inexpensive in the grand scheme of things"
It does kinda stink to buy any brand of new speaker that has any kind of obvious damage unless the damage was disclosed at purchase.
The woofers made by Eminence in the Double impact speaker have a center dust cap which is convex and is lightly glued to the inner portion of the speaker cone.To change a dust cap requires carefully cutting the glue joint between the cap and cone and removing the damaged dust cap and then reglueing a new dust cap to the cone.
What I'm saying is the woofer does not need to be reconed at all,just needs a dust cap replacement and I totally agree with that Eric should take care of this for porscheracer,It's just good business practice IMHO.
Now most folks know I didn't like the stock blue cone woofers with my black metallic painted DI's and I changed mine to the Eminence Beta 10a which have black cones and a thicker and stiffer dust cap.
Welcome back to these threads jetter.