The use of the word "musical" as an adjective

For years I've read reviews and many comments from audiophiles describing this, that, or the other component as "musical."   I never understood the term used that way, especially given the endless variables involved when it comes to how human beings perceive music, whether reproduced or "live."

Can anyone define precisely WTF "musical" means in any meaningful way?  

I didn't think so.   :)

Have at it, folks.
I hear it as something that has pleasing harmonious qualities, sufficient enough to have me suspend belief in that I'm hearing a mechanical representation of the event. 👍

+1 @nonoise 

For me, "musical" as an adjective = nothing between me and the music.  A lot of the buzzwords that have been tossed around are far less clear to me.  For example, "warm" or "clinical."  While I do understand the impression that people are trying to convey, those words mean less to me when describing music reproduction than "musical."

Of course, the audiophile media has a vested interest in obtuse approaches as it sustains their livelihood.  Nothing inherently wrong with that unless terms like "impactful" start getting tossed around, but I don't want to get started on how the (mis)use of English has been degraded.  I miss Frank Zappa!
 Emotions preserved in the music and toes are tapping.... that's "musical" to me, vs a mechanical reproduction.