+1 @nonoise
For me, "musical" as an adjective = nothing between me and the music. A lot of the buzzwords that have been tossed around are far less clear to me. For example, "warm" or "clinical." While I do understand the impression that people are trying to convey, those words mean less to me when describing music reproduction than "musical."
Of course, the audiophile media has a vested interest in obtuse approaches as it sustains their livelihood. Nothing inherently wrong with that unless terms like "impactful" start getting tossed around, but I don't want to get started on how the (mis)use of English has been degraded. I miss Frank Zappa!
For me, "musical" as an adjective = nothing between me and the music. A lot of the buzzwords that have been tossed around are far less clear to me. For example, "warm" or "clinical." While I do understand the impression that people are trying to convey, those words mean less to me when describing music reproduction than "musical."
Of course, the audiophile media has a vested interest in obtuse approaches as it sustains their livelihood. Nothing inherently wrong with that unless terms like "impactful" start getting tossed around, but I don't want to get started on how the (mis)use of English has been degraded. I miss Frank Zappa!