Am I the only one who thinks B&W is mid-fi?

I know that title sounds pretencious. By all means, everyones taste is different and I can grasp that. However, I find B&W loudspeakers to sound extremely Mid-fi ish, designed with sort of a boom and sizzle quality making it not much better than retail quality brands. At price point there is always something better than it, something musical, where the goals of preserving the naturalness and tonal balance of sound is understood. I am getting tired of people buying for the name, not the sound. I find it is letting the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. In these times of dying 2 channel, and the ability to buy a complete stereo/home theater at your local blockbuster, all of the brands that should make it don't. Most Hi-fi starts with a retail system and with that type of over-processed, boom and sizzle sound (Boom meaning a spike at 80Hz and sizzle meaning a spike at 10,000Hz). That gives these rising enthuists a false impression of what hi-fi is about. Thus, the people who cater to that falseified sound, those who design audio, forgetting the passion involved with listening, putting aside all love for music just to put a nickle in the pig...Well are doing a good job. Honestly, it is just wrong. Thanks for the read...I feel better. Prehaps I just needed to vent, but I doubt it. Music is a passion of mine, and I don't want to have to battle in 20 yrs to get equipment that sounds like music. Any comments?
Spluta, that was my point about B&W revealing the source. I went right from my listening room (N804 / Musical Fidelity) to the dealer who had N802 and McIntosh. McIntosh threw a big veil over the sound. Some people like this.
Aball, Krell could be tiring. I heard Classe on Revels F30 then deasler switched to Musical Fidelity / M20. Lost a lot of high frequency energy. Maybe that is better.
Paradigm is great for the money.

I definetly was not impressed with Mc and 801 sound.
My expectations were very high for 801 and i was really
dissapointed. I looked for pwr conditioner.. They did have one hooked up. So i couldent blame that. If i get the chance
i will listen closely to B&W's with some different amps.

I also had a much different take on the F30's and M20's. With different amps. The F30's were paired with Proceed amp and pre. The M20's were paired with Rotel gear (yeah i know).

I was really impressed with both especially bass and midrange on F30's. But the M20's really stood out as much better than I expected. Especially with the gear that was running them. Overall i would rate them both very high on my list. Im very confident my amplification could really get them where i want to go.

I do understand the effect's different gear can have on
any good speakers. I always try to take that into consideration.

I will check out Paradigm's also...


I first heard the N802 when they came out at my dealer with McIntosh and I didn't like them. I finally took the plunge and sold my Matrix 801 III w/North Creek crossovers for the N802's. They are very realistic sounding like nothing I ever thought I would hear like them. With my Krell there is so much information musically revealed that I have never looked back or moved to sell anytime soon. I have owned Kef, ML, Magnepan, Pro Ac and have heard Wilson's and more. I hated to see my tweaked 801's go but these are definately worth it :-)
B&W's success lies in their aggressive marketing tactics...a large number of studios use their monitors...but then again...Mcdonald's is the worlds largest restaurant chain...too many equate "bigger with better"...the majority of their sales is based on name recognition...and I would have to agree with some of the above their prospective price points...and without much can always find a speaker that outperforms the equivalent B&W (often for much less)...they are for many....a "safe" Mcdonalds...for better or know what you are gripe is less about their sound...more about their inflated catergorize them as "mid fi" is a bit harsh...
Upgraded My Polk Monitor 10B speakers to the B&W Matrix 802 series3. Using B&K ex442 and ARC LS-7 No fancy wires or tweaks. Let me tell the sound is fantastic you guys have jaded ears. Yeah there might be better out there, but you have to spend mega bucks to get better sound. Yeah maybe I could upgrade the amp or cables, but you have to know when to leave well enough alone. You wouldnt upgrade your wife for a better model, would you? (although youd like to ). I had the Polks 10 years. Probably Have the B&W's another ten. Used, they're the best Value around, Period!