+1 Jetter,
You beat me to it. I was waiting for the SE version myself and thought the price as well as the parts used should align with my $$$, and not just the sound, considering it is priced twice as much as the standard SE. The explanation doesn't make sense to me as well. If I am a speaker designer and want to copy it, I would just buy a pair, take them apart to capture as much as I can and resell it or something. Perhaps the enclosure should be made such that no one can open it to peek at the parts used - now that would make more sense.
You beat me to it. I was waiting for the SE version myself and thought the price as well as the parts used should align with my $$$, and not just the sound, considering it is priced twice as much as the standard SE. The explanation doesn't make sense to me as well. If I am a speaker designer and want to copy it, I would just buy a pair, take them apart to capture as much as I can and resell it or something. Perhaps the enclosure should be made such that no one can open it to peek at the parts used - now that would make more sense.