+1000 Charles.
I have never really considered measurements as any kind of arbiter regarding the SQ of audio gear. My ears are the arbiter, just like yours. The measurement crowd tends to shy away from this...which is fine, but i never understood how they correlated what they look for in the measurement and what some "expert" has determined that the measurement correlates to in the sounds that we hear. ( Remembering that what you hear, I hear- and they hear, are probably variations that we all interpret differently).
Not to say that the new Jadis amps won't measure well, we have no idea about this ( and they very well could measure great)...but like you said, tube amps don't typically do this.
BTW, I was looking at the graph showing the frequency and linearity result that was presented with my speakers....Jeez these guys are almost ruler flat from 45Hz to over 18Khz!! So somebody at SF did have great ears and the ability to design for flat response and measurement!
Franco really is missed!!!