Step down transformer (220V to 100/110V) or buy 220V version of Shindo preamp

I really need to buy a Shindo preamp. a) Should I go for a original 220V Shindo preamp (harder to obtain, no local Shindo dealer here) or  b) get a 110/100V version from USA/Japan and use a step-down transformer c) Or get the Shindo dealer to alter the 110V to 220V.

1) At this level, is there sound degradation if I use a step down transformer?
2) The Shindo dealer will change the 110V to 220V but it will be done by a US tech not Shindo, I wonder if it will lead to some loss. Since soldering and change of resistor will happen. If that's the case I might just buy the 110V version from him.

Any thoughts on using step down transformer in general, does it lead to sound degradation?
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Sorry for the confusion, I used to live in the USA until last year, now I live in India, so it would be, 220V -> 110V or 100V (depending on whether I buy from USA dealer or Japan).

@erik_squires What is a balanced transformer?

The type of transformer matters. Most step down transformers are also called autotransformers. They use a single winding to convert the voltage from 220 to something less.  More here:

A balanced transformer has 2 separate windings, which offers better noise isolation and some ground loop isolation.



I have been in your same shoes: moving from US to a 220V country with my audio.

The 220>110 transformer will certainly work without problem, and what glennewdick said above is a good guideline. Whether this affects sound will depend on the quality of the transformer, I imagine.

Using a balanced transformer might be an opportunity to treat the power you feed the pre additionally to going from 220 to 110V.

I had an amp changed to 220V by my US dealer before moving. The amp transformer had 220V taps so it was easy work. Still use it 10 years later and sounds great.

Lastly, check the Shindo owners manual if you haven't yet. My Lamm pre was prepared for multiple voltages. When I moved I simply had to take out the 110V fuse, buy one for the 220V rating and place it in the 220V position and that was it.