REL Vs SVS for 2 channel music listening

I have Zu Omen Defs connected to a NuForce STA200 (class a/b) amp. REL has suggested a T9/i

SVS has a cheaper SB-2000 which seems to be closer for half the price

I've read numerous places that REL is way overpriced and SVS is great for music. I am aware of Zu's subs...would like to keep the price under a grand if possible. 

Hi @aberyclark 
Okay, that's great.  You've done subs before so you know what's up with them.  They're a funny audio creature: "They are working best when you don't know they are working!"  Wasn't familiar with your Zu Omen Defs (apart from having heard of the Zu brand).   Just read a very favorable review of 'em on home theater  They appear to be very accommodating of a range of amplifiers and music types.  NOT trying to sell you on SVS at all, but did want to mention the relatively small size of the SB1000s was a positive for me.  

Yes ghosthouse SVS is probably where I am going. The RELs seem quite nice, however, They have a rep for being overpriced. REL did just kick off a Christmas sale. I will look thru my email
I've owned several SVS subs and think they are great for home theater. I wouldn't choose them for 2-channel. I prefer JL Audio. To my ears the JL Audio subs produce musical bass. 
I just put a JL E112 in with my new Vivid 1.5 speakers. I have them turned way down so you don't "hear" them, you just know that they are there. Very satisfied. I considered REL as well. Felt that the SVS was more of a home theater sub.
I also use the Zu Audio Omen Defs, I bought a SVS subwoofer a couple years ago a PB1000, on sale and a super low price. I had difficulty getting it to blend with the Zu speakers. I email SVS and receive a quick reply from the president of the company. Gary Yacoubian. He gave me his phone number and I gave him a call. I told him of my problem and he suggested I talk to the main engineer, so he patched me through to him.  After he listen to me describe my problem he gave me a few suggestions, after I implemented his suggestions I got the SVS dialed in for my two channel music. I thought that is real customer service.