Tekton Double Impacts

Anybody out there heard these??

I have dedicated audio room 14.5x20.5x9 ft.  Currently have Marantz Reference CD/Intergrated paired to Magnepan 1.7's with REL T-7 subs.  For the vast majority of music I love this system.  The only nit pick is that it is lacking/limited in covering say below 35 hz or so.  For the first time actually buzzed the panel with an organ sacd. Bummer.  Thought of upgrading subs to rythmicks but then I will need to high pass the 1.7's.  Really don't want to deal with that approach.

Enter the Double Impacts.  Many interesting things here.  Would certainly have a different set of strengths here.  Dynamics, claimed bottom octave coverage in one package, suspect a good match to current electronics.

I've read all the threads here so we do not need to rehash that.  Just wondering if others out there have FIRST HAND experience with these or other Tekton speakers

Having heard a 10 watt soft clipping tube amp drive those to satisfying listening levels no problem, I’d be willing to bet that high power SS amp cranked is overdriving them resulting in thermal compression and other forms of distortion associated with overdriving a speaker.

Depending on impedance curve amp clipping is always another possibility at very high volumes even if the speaker is more efficient overall. Having heard them, a power draining impedance dip or two in the bass would not surprise me.

Regarding the preferred listening volumes of nitrobob I feel the same as James. Some things just are self evident in life. Sheer common sense would dictact that listening regularly at 110 SPL is most certainly risking permanent hearing loss. What reasonable person would require reminding of this (obvious) point?

I have always made the assumption that we are mature adults who freely determine what suits them for better or worse. I won’t tell someone what’s the proper SPL they should adhere to. I just know what is right for me, to each their own. An analogy, you shouldn’t have to tell someone not to remove the radiator cap of an overheated car engine. 
Hey Charles,

Remember, common sense is often uncommon, and you are much more diplomatic then I chose to be regarding people's foolish behavior. I totally accept its his right to go deaf if he wants to.  

His so-called reviewing process that people thanked him for was based on an assumption of  volume levels that are dangerous/harmful to one's physical health and hearing.  Regarding his take on the DI's I believe this analogy would be more applicable, it would be like a partially or totally blind person going to an art gallery and then writing a review of the art work.  Yea, right!
Hi Teajay,
Essentially we’re making the same point. I understand the desire of some listeners who like to as they put it "crank it up". If  this is done only occasionally then probably little harm to one's hearing ability .

In my own experience I’ve come to realize that as the resolution and signal  purity retention  of your system improves you can actually enjoy music at lower or reasonable listening levels.

When a system reaches this degree of performance it "does" allow one to listen at higher SPL without stress or strain but there’s less of a need to do this to achieve listening satisfaction. That’s my 2 cents worth.

Thank you all . Some,well most of you, have eons of past experience in speaker design, and capabilities .Let me answer some of these questions and make a couple points

1) David, yes, We listened to the DI’s at Mortal (LOL) sound levels. They sound ok, and I certainly would have not refused to keep them if this was all I was asking of them . But their task, to sound as good as my Ascends at those same volumes, was not achievable. The differences were night and day.

2) Several of you have brought up hearing loss at high volumes. We all know this. It’s been taught to us since we were kids. I’m 62 years old and have normal hearing. At least my last annual hearing test at the plant says so . Many of my younger co workers had issues, but I never have . I also posted in my earlier post an in car video of me driving my race car. I’m around loudness on a regular basis. I’m old now, but I still enjoy a young lifestyle. Some of you have forgot what concerts,or even your local live performance at a nightclub sound like? There loud. The last one I went to was several months back. I took my meter with me ..115 dB from 20-25 rows back. If all those thousands of concert go’ers can take it, why can’t I ? Why can’t normal people have set -ups in their homes to duplicate that.? Maybe not quite that loud, but a similar experience.. Actually, I think some of you are just showing your age. No disrespect, but some of us do not grow up so quickly. The Tektons are advertised to "Sound Like Live Music". Sorry,but all the live music I have EVER heard, is really loud...I find it odd, that excuses are being made for a speaker that is advertised as such, to not be played loud. Charles, I’m pretty good at car analogy’s.That would be like me buying a race car, and then finding out it sounds really mean at idle, but its not so great at wide open throttle..

3) On Amplifiers, the sole reason I picked up the SS high powered amp, was the headroom. The entire system has been built for a warm, lively, thumping system. Marantz is known for warmth, and the PSA’s ore overkill, but they were purchased for impact. I also want accurate, and that is turning out to be a little harder to achieve

I’m sure I will find something . Klipsch are not going to be it. I say that as someone mentioned them. Even to me, bright, harsh, and loud. equal pain...