Preamp tubes ran their life?

I believe I do know the answer, but I would like to hear inputs from the community.

Approximately 1.5 years ago I replaced the stock tubes in my preamp with some vintage Mullard UK ECC83’s.  I spend a fair amount of time listening to music.  I’d say, on average, anywhere between 10-15 hours a week.  For the first year I had them in, I was running my Home Theater with my 2-channel, via HT passthru; which would swing that 10-15 hours/week way up.   I liked the tubes and how they’ve sounded, pretty smooth throughout the band.  Today, I started noticing weird “slurring/distortion” in certain frequencies, especially with vocals and cymbal crashes.  I believe what I’m hearing is the tubes have ran their lifecycle.  Note: I do have room treatment and room/speaker correction and what I’m hearing just started happening this morning.

I won’t hold anyone to their words if it doesn’t end up being the tubes, but that’s my initial hunch.  Would your educated guess be the same?
@noromance , I’ll check them out.  Do you have any input on their musical characteristics?
A few years ago I thought I had a tube issue in my pre-amp.  Turns out the volume control pot was dirty, and the sound cleared right up after I sprayed some Caig De-Oxit into it.
The control pots from the old days (I.e., Dynaco, Eico, etc.) were known to get dusty and make noise. Yup, you had to spray them. I would not think your Mac would have that problem, but I'm not familiar with it. If you move the volume control back and forth do you hear a static like cracking?
I have a Mac C2500 preamp and the tubes should last 10,000 hours per the manufacturer.  However, I have found that the NOS Mullards can get noisy in a year or two time.
If they're starting to get noisy they're probably about done. Kind of a rushing slurry sound. By the time they make static they're getting close to failure I think.

Upscale I think still has British surplus Mullards. I bought two sets of the 12AT7s years ago for a VTA ST70. I'm still on the first set.

I agree, if you're using it for a home theater pass through you stack up the hours fast. I've gone through sets of 6922s in ARC preamps in a couple of years that way.