Heads up on temperature / thermometer readings.
As mentioned previously the temperature gauges on my USD units or incorrect - off by 5c - 10c - on the low side. So actual temp may be 45c but the temp gauge on the US unit will read 35c.
I previously recommended a digital thermometer from Risepro. $7 from Amazon and seems accurate. HOWEVER. When the US tank is running these thermometers (I’ve got 2) can read 5c - 10c higher than actual temp. It is dramatic. You turn on the tank and the indicated temp on the thermometer will jump up almost immediately. Turn off the tank and the indicated temp will fall back down to actual. Also note that the behavior is more muted when you have albums in the tank - the temp will jump up less dramatically - which seems to speak to the issue of the albums actually dampening the US action and why you should consider cleaning only a few records at a time. I'm actually cleaning only 3 records at a time, down from my original 6.
If you use a digital thermometer be sure to test it with the tank on and off to observe any potential differences.
Consider a non-digital thermometer? I don’t have one to test, but guessing it may not be susceptible to the same interference.
As mentioned previously the temperature gauges on my USD units or incorrect - off by 5c - 10c - on the low side. So actual temp may be 45c but the temp gauge on the US unit will read 35c.
I previously recommended a digital thermometer from Risepro. $7 from Amazon and seems accurate. HOWEVER. When the US tank is running these thermometers (I’ve got 2) can read 5c - 10c higher than actual temp. It is dramatic. You turn on the tank and the indicated temp on the thermometer will jump up almost immediately. Turn off the tank and the indicated temp will fall back down to actual. Also note that the behavior is more muted when you have albums in the tank - the temp will jump up less dramatically - which seems to speak to the issue of the albums actually dampening the US action and why you should consider cleaning only a few records at a time. I'm actually cleaning only 3 records at a time, down from my original 6.
If you use a digital thermometer be sure to test it with the tank on and off to observe any potential differences.
Consider a non-digital thermometer? I don’t have one to test, but guessing it may not be susceptible to the same interference.