Mid-fi integrated tube amp advice

I've recently upgraded my 35 year old speakers and turntable to kef q900's and a dc carbon table with an ortofon red. 

I'm still running a 35 year old, mid market denon av amp butt have been looking at ss and tube amps with a budget around $1,000.

This just became available locally and I think I can get it for a bit less.

There's not a lot of info on it. Does anyone know of the amp that can give an opinion. I'm also very open to other suggestions.
be wary of cheap imports, 

you can drive your speakers with 15 watts of tube power

look at a good used Primaluna PL1 or 2.  around your budget. i had one for 6 years. great amp
Not mid-fi (much better), but check out the Unision Unico


Earlier models were 6 Moons integrated amp of the year, Stereophile Class B.  I love mine.  Mine is 15 yrs old.  I am second owner and have had it now for 8 yrs.  Was thinking of replacing it last year just because of age, but it is such a wonderful integrated amp that instead I had it modded by Underwood Hi-Fi.  Hopefully it will serve me well for the next 15 yrs or more.  A really under appreciated amp!
ihor, I think you missed my recommendation of that same amp two responses prior.  Regardless, that's two 'go aheads' for the Unico.
NO pass on that amp & read audiothesis last paragraph...Stereophile says your speakers drop well below 4 ohms and have 2 large phase changes...I also don't care for KT88 sound..Look for EL34 like the Yaqins that have a Triode Mode..25 wpc.of EL34 Strapped Triode is a SWEET sound for sure...On the budget end Yaqin,Jolida & a few others build a decent amp..A little higher up Cayin is beautiful in build quality and sound...
Many thanks for your recommendations. I wasn't even aware of Unison and two of you recommended it! There don't seem to be many Yaquin's available on the used market and Jolida is fairly plentiful. I'm wondering if that reflects owner satisfaction or how many were sold new.

So a triode mode EL34 would be a good match for my speakers. My Denon AVC-3000 (don't laugh, It's served me well for 35 years) puts out 80W at 8ohms.